Article Critiques

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Article Critiques

Article Critique

First Critique


Schools play a very vital role in molding the way in which the students perform. Moreover, they also groom the child with respect to its educational and behavioral abilities. Children join schools at a very young age and spend half of their day at school. Therefore, it is more important for the schools especially those who have enrolled students in the primary level to provide the best facilities to the students. This is important because the students learn that their school teaches them.

There are many schools that opt for school restructuring and these are the ones that promote the benefits of forms of management. The staff that is hired by such school is cooperative, and the teachers participate well when decision making is being done. Moreover, the leadership of the school principal is also supportive which greatly helps in the grooming of the school children. The authors have discussed a theoretical perspective which is known as contingency theory. This is also referred as organic management. The study that has been conducted by the authors who have reviewed the relationship that is built between the organic management and students. They have studied the way in which students in elementary and secondary schools grow and achieve their goals. For the estimation of growth, there were two national databases that have been used by the authors to a series of three-level growth models through which achievement of the students in elementary and secondary schools is determined. It has been suggested by the results that organic management is not a wise idea to determine the achievements of the students at any of these levels of schooling (Miller & Rowan, 2006).

Purpose of the Research

Since the schools play a crucial role in developing the skills and abilities to children, the schools need to have the best facilities that they should provide to the students to enhance learning and development. Discussion has also been made by the authors on organic management which has been suggested by them as ineffective. Furthermore, they have also suggested some other ways that can play a vital role in enhancing learning of the students.

Research Problems

In schools, there are many aspects that need to be considered for ensuring students learning. Some aspects that are related to the teachers and school management are mentioned below.

Abilities of the Teachers

The teachers that the schools hire play a crucial role. Depending on their skills, they are able to communicate knowledge to the children. However, if the teachers lack the teaching and communication skills, they will not be able to transform knowledge to the students.

Teacher's Participation and Cooperation

When decision making is being done with reference to school activities that have an impact on the students, participation of the teachers and their cooperation is very important. Therefore, they should contribute to the decision making process as this will further enhance student learning.

Leadership skills of principal

Since the school is managed by the principal who is the one who takes all the initiatives, the principal must ...
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