Article Critique

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Article Critique

Article Critque

Part 1: Identification of the article

The item was “Understanding the common reactions of misdeed victims. (Maryland crime victim's asset center 2007 by Arthur Gates). This item recounts the condition of prisoners in a case of jail re-entry. misdeed inside society has many avenues to follow. Some of these avenues lead the criminals into the hands of regulation enforcement, this writer will look into the routes that the criminal will walk when apprehended by the criminal fairness scheme, how these lawless persons assist their time granted and how they are rehabilitated to re-enter society.

Part 2: Summary

Ex-offenders are at a high risk of poverty and communal exclusion because of their communal backdrop, making it more difficult to secure paid work and access lodgings. Ex-offenders should also face the stigma associated with having a criminal record, and consequently the likelihood of being overlooked by employers. If they are put back in this natural environment, it is rather expected that they will re-offend. In O'Mahony's study of prisoners in Mount joy, 30% of inmates consulted reported that it was rather' or 'very expected' that they would commit crime again (O' Mahony's, 1997). In alignment to avert this from happening, jails need to work on the rehabilitation of offenders and help supply them with possibilities to get a job and lead an dependable' life. This is done, for demonstration, through providing informative and devout programs throughout their period of imprisonment. If prisoners are granted the benefits required to do well in the outside world, then they are less likely to re-offend. groups also have worry of having a felon move into their district. There will always be fearful thinking that your close by, or the individual down the road had finished some awful crime, and will they replicate this crime, perhaps ...
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