Article Critique

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Article Critique

Article Critique

The article, Rethinking Procrastination: Positive Effects of “Active” Procrastination Behavior on Attitudes and Performance is written by Angela Hsin Chun Chu and Jin Nam Choi. The article takes into account the proposal that it is not essential that all the procrastination behaviors may either direct to negative consequences or are harmful. In an attempt to support such claims there are two different types of procrastinators that are defined by the authors: active procrastinators versus passive procrastinators. It also mentions that the practitioners and researchers have considered the concept of procrastination in the form of a dysfunctional and self-handicapping behavior for a long time. Various investigators have tried to depict the procrastinators as those individuals that are self-indulgent or lazy and are not capable of regulating themselves in an effective manner. Inc comparison to this, they associate the non-procrastinating individuals as been linked with high productivity, efficiency, and superior performance; they also describe the non- procrastinators as being highly motivated and more organized individuals often.

The study takes into account the hypotheses in order to study the study the literature related to the concept of procrastination. The first hypothesis being considered in the current research is that, both active procrastinators and no procrastinators are likely to report more purposive use of time, more time structure, and greater understanding and perspective of the control of time in comparison to the passive procrastinators. Active procrastinators and non procrastinators possess no such difference on such dimensions. The second hypothesis of the study was based on the fact that both active procrastinators and non procrastinators are likely to depict self-efficacy beliefs in a stronger manner than the passive procrastinators. The active procrastinators and non procrastinators exhibit no difference on such dimension. The third hypothesis indicated that both active procrastinators the non procrastinators will probably exhibit an extent of extrinsic motivation higher than that which is reported by the passive procrastinators.

The active procrastinators and non procrastinators do not appear to be different on this perspective. There is a higher level of intrinsic motivation that will be displayed by the non procrastinators will report a higher level of intrinsic motivation than the individuals who are the passive procrastinators and active procrastinators. In such situations that are stressful, the active procrastinators and non procrastinators usually make use of the coping strategies that are task-oriented, and passive procrastinators that usually utilize either the avoidance- or emotion- oriented. ...
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