Article Critique

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Critique of a research article

Evidence-Based Nursing: Clarifying the Concepts for Nurses in Practice


Evidence based nursing is an evidence based healthcare practice that helps the nurses in ensuring that they are able to provide the best care to the patients by relating them to previous cases. They follow the traditions of the evidence based medicine and help the nurses in implementing them so as to provide the best healthcare quality care. This paper will review an article, 'Evidence-Based Nursing: Clarifying the Concepts for Nurses in Practice.'

Article Summary

The article establishes the fact that evidence based nursing is the use of theory that is based on the information that is present from the previous research and findings and helps in making decisions related to the healthcare delivery system. This helps the nurses in ensuring that they provide the best quality healthcare to the patients and as they have experienced the practice before, as well, they will be able to implement the same practice again successfully (Scott & McSherry, 2008).

According to the article, there are differences between evidence based nursing and evidence based practice. The practice of evidence based nursing is based on the evidence based practice which means that these two concepts are inter-related. Nurses make sure that they make use of the different practices and the cases that have occurred in the past so that they are able to cure the patients in a manner that is helpful for them. The article also points out that the patients are treated on this basis and that the previous cases are considered to ensure that the best treatment is provided to the people.

The concept of evidence based nursing is relatively new and that the nurses should be able to follow the concept so that the quality of healthcare is improved and that the patients get recovered quickly. The article presents a model for the implementation of the nursing practice and that the nurses are able to evaluate the alternatives with respect to the literature and the previous cases. The evidence that is to be used should be rational and should be one that can be implemented successfully. This helps the nurses in ensuring that their practice is the best and that helps them to ensure that the work that they are performing is the best.

There are two main points that the article presents. The first one is that there is a difference in the evidence based practice and in the evidence based nursing (Scott & McSherry, 2008). The second main point explained in the paper is the model that is presented for the implementation of the process and the practice that the nurses should undertake so that the patients get the best quality of healthcare and that they are able to implement and manage change in an effective manner.

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