Article Critique

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Article Critique

Article Critique

“Training is the Answer…But what was the Question?”


This article by Bob Rosner discusses one of the core issues related to the organizations and their development. The article addresses the training types and issues faced by organizations during and preceding the training. Among the numerous factors and issues involved in the training and development of the organizations, Rosner highlights and discuses twenty such issues rose in the article as questions and shed lights upon their answers by addressing one at a time.

The training, according to the article should be fully understood and comprehended by the employees. Training constitutes as one of the most important activities in an organization. The firms realize and assess the problematic situation and the void in the performance and then decide to go for training its employees. The article highlights and emphasizes on the fact that training costs a lot for the firms; be it in terms of financial expenditures or the consumed time, training proves to be time taking. The article therefore, emphasizes on the fact that before starting any training and continuing the work for it, the problematic areas should be clearly defined and sought out. In other words, training should only take place where necessary.

Additionally, similar to the positioning of a product or brand, training should also be positioned and placed at the right time for the right people. The article also addresses the discrepancy where firms think that training is an answer to every problem they might be facing. Although, some part of it might be true but for the most part, it might be possible that the organizations are treating and feeding wrong people with the wrong teaching or training.

Moreover, Rosner also critically assesses the need for digging up the historical and empirical evidence of the same trainings carried out by the firms within the same industry. Furthermore, trainings should also have clear and outlined goals of the expected outcomes. The organizations arranging and organizing training should carry out an analysis of the problem beforehand and devise measureable outcomes. These projected measurable outcomes should then be assessed and the trainees should be gauged with the same yardstick. Credibility of the speaker or the trainer is also one of the major factors which any training program should cater to. As illustrated in the opening vignette of the article, credibility and the correct positioning of the training is as ...
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