The study is related to critique of article which describes the quality of life and symptoms of patients with the breast cancer that receive the adjuvant hormonal therapy. Moreover, the study examines the probable relationships between the two measurements that are quality of life and symptoms; besides it, this article critique particularly focuses on statistical analysis of study.
In the article that is “relationship between severity of symptoms and quality of life in patients with breast cancer receiving adjuvant hormonal therapy”, Pearson Correlation was applied to examine the correlation among the QOL and nineteen symptoms. From the study, it is observed that the seven out of ten most repeated symptoms as the correlation coefficient was significant between the QOL and symptom (Ochayon, Zelker, Kaduri and Kadmon, 2010).
In addition to this, irritability and mood swings were more or less highly related with the decline in QOL that is the value of Pearson correlation was 0.65 - 0.68 and the significance value was less than 0.001. In this context, the correlation is a statistical relationship between two or more random variables (or variables that you can with some degree of accuracy consider acceptable as such). At the same time changing the values of one or more of these quantities are accompanied by systematic changes in the values of one or several other variables. The mathematical measure of the correlation of two random variables is the correlation ratio, or the correlation coefficient. In the event that a change in one of the random variable does not lead to a natural change in the other random variable, but it leads to a change in the other statistical characteristics of the random variable, then such a relationship is not considered a correlation, although a statistical.
The correlation was principally evident in the wellbeing that ...