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Article Critique

Article Critique

Critique of Population & Sampling

For the study that is the effects of forgiveness therapy on mood, vulnerability and anger, random sampling technique is used as; it helped in the purpose of the research for getting desired responses that yield authentic results for the study.

All the probable participants were recruited into the drug rehab center that offers a structured, intensive treatment, hospitalization for people with dependencies on drug and alcohol. This center admits clients with relatively severe problems, including history of chronic and severe addiction, frequent relapses, comorbid psychiatric diagnoses, and legal problems related to substance abuse, previous poor treatment responses and low motivation for change. Population is any set of elements, finite or infinite, defined by one or more features, which have all the elements that compose it, and only them. In sample population of the study that is the effects of forgiveness therapy on mood, vulnerability and anger means the entire universe of interest to consider, and that it needs to be well defined so that people know at all times that its component elements. However, when performing a task on time, a distinction between theoretical population: a set of elements to which you want to extrapolate the results, and study population: all the elements available in our study.

Sometimes it is possible to study each of the elements of the population, performing what is called a census that is the study of all elements of the population. Conducting a census is not always possible for various reason that are economics: the study of all the elements of a population, especially if this is large, often a costly problem in time, money, etc., that the tests to be subjected to the subjects are destructive; that the population is infinite or so large that it exceeds the capabilities of the researcher. If the numbering of elements, is performed on or accessible population studied, and not on the theoretical population, then the process is called a frame or sample space. The study of selected patients because residential rehabilitation problems associated with the group, which tends to more mental illness than those specified in outpatient clinics, regardless of age.

Forty-three potential participants were referred for investigation based on the opinions of their doctors that would be good candidates for the FT. If interested, participants received detailed information about the study and completed the Enright Forgiveness Inventory, and Spielberger State-Trait scale expression of anger. Typical cases involved some kind of abuse, physical or sexual abuse usually occur close to the customer (eg, parent or spouse). If the evaluation of the inventory of potential participants forgiveness Enright was equal to or less than 256, the composition by SSTAEI was 35 or higher, and voluntarily signed an informed consent to participate in the study were randomly assigned to ADC or FT. For the study that is the effects of forgiveness therapy on mood, vulnerability and anger, sampling is a scientific research tool. Its basic function is to determine which part of a reality under ...
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