Article Critique

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Critique of a qualitative study using Parahoo's framework

Critique of a qualitative study using Parahoo's framework


The title of the research study is “Community Gate Keepers' Awareness and Perception of Prevention of Mother to- Child Transmission of HIV Services in Ibadan, Nigeria”. The topic explores the awareness of HIV along with measures of its prevention. The article is based on a study which aimed to identify the awareness level of Prevention of Mother to-Child HIV transmission.


The paper relates to the critique of a qualitative research study which used qualitative techniques to identify the awareness level, perception and preventive measure for mother to-child transmission of HIV. The following critique explores the existing facts and figures about HIV and, it is helpful for all the people in general and specifically to mothers who faces dangers of mother to-child transmission of HIV. The critique includes evidences from literature, methods used in the study, findings of the study, discussion regarding the usefulness of research and the flaws that are there (Holloway & Wheeler, 2010, p.490).

Literature Review

This section of the critique provides a rationale of the study that was undertaken. It includes related theories from the existing studies and justifies the researcher's work on mother to-child transmission of HIV (Taylor & Kermode, 2006, p.72). For instance, it has been analyzed that women are reluctant to submit to testing, and disclosing their HIV status, even to their partners because they fear to be the subject of stigma, discrimination, and physical violence. After the death of a spouse, this is probably the mother than the father who continues to care for children, and is more willing to take her home for orphans. This is especially for young girls, and older pregnant women that bear the burden of patient care, and domestic tasks. The worst is that due to gender inequality, and unequal status pregnant women, do not have the autonomy to make decisions about their lives sexual violence, and widespread sexual abuse exerted on them, and the girls are victims of forced marriages.

According to Jacob (2011), Women who are HIV positive or who have lost their husbands due to HIV / AIDS are also subject to discrimination, violence, and expropriation. In an ideology, patriarchal social system rests on hierarchal rules, where the man is dominant supposed to provide for all members of lower rank in the family. Therefore, the rules determine the patriarchal inheritance rules, where the property contaminates from one man to another, in both patrilineal and matrilineal systems. In such system, the men of society can inherit from their fathers, their brothers or brothers their father. Thus, the ideology of male domination and dependence justify the inferiority of pregnant women, and girls. This situation has only worsened in the context of the HIV / AIDS (p.359).

According to Duri (2011), HIV is present in body fluids of infected people - semen, blood, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. It is most often in a sexual relationship that the virus transmits from ...
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