Article Criticism

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Article Criticism

Article Criticism


The article talks about the shortage of proof for concluding the effectiveness of whether Proactive Telephone Counseling and Web-based delivery of smoking termination services in union with pharmacotherapy. The study carries out the cost effectiveness of three behavioral quit smoking interventions, which include web-based counseling, proactive telephone counseling, and a combination of the two mentioned. Drummond (2005) in their book “Methods for Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes” talk about the study of a comparative costs of a number of treatments which is a regular form of assessing the economic feasibility of a treatment. On the basis of the cost per life year, and quality adjusted life-year, the paper concludes that these interventions are one of the most cost effective life-saving treatments. This paper is a critique of the article on smoking cessation based on the guidelines mentioned in the book.


The article does not include the telephone related expenses, and time spent on the website was not part of the study as they were not available. The books talks about the fact that the viewpoint is an important thing that has to be mentioned as one cost that is not part of the other party is cost for one person (Gomel 1998, p203-211). The example is mentioned of the patient's travelling costs which are incurred on the society rather than the Ministry of Health (Drummond, 2005, p.39). It is important that the costs are not only restricted to the resource items, but also the opportunity cost of the resource such as lost and leisure time. The patients were sourced from a random sample that volunteered to participate in the study. However, the economic evaluation of the methodology inquires on the accessibility to the methodology. The researchers had to lay off a number of participants due to their inability to keep pace with the technological requirements for the study. This means that the use of web-based technologies is only useful for people who are literate enough to use it without much help from others. This leaves a lot to be wished for when availability of the program is concerned. These types of intervention techniques should be available to a large audience because they cheaper than any other type of intervention technique.

The economic viability of the intervention technique is an important activity as it puts the scarce resources like time; equipment, infrastructure and knowledge are limited. Furthermore, the research does not take into account the loss in the effectiveness of the intervention technique because it lacks the human interaction aspect. The web and telephone based programs do not incorporate the physical trainer to be present at the location where the patient resides. Hence, the patient is not able to fully connect with the therapist and vice versa. These intervention techniques require the interaction with the therapist not only in the emotional and professional manner but also in the physical manner. A therapist is in a better position to help the patient, when he can physically observe ...
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