Article Analysis: Legal Issues For Hr Professionals

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Article Analysis: Legal Issues for HR Professionals

Article Analysis: Legal Issues for HR Professionals


Brief Introduction about the article

The article mainly focuses on the Human resource officers to investigate the background of the applicants or new hiring employees. The article mainly describes the legal and related matter that includes the checking of reference and the thorough investigation of the applicants background or history. The conditions resulted into the charge/liability to the employees when the investigation on the history were not conducted or were insufficient to support the personals of human resource in understanding the entire consequences. Furthermore, the negligent of the history investigation of the applicant by the human resource professionals is addressed to elaborate the relation of background investigation and reference checking with these practices. In the last the employment practices of the job is described in the article to visualize the relation between the privacy of the applicant with the employment process.

Analysis and Summarizing of main points

In the article, the author elaborates the practices of Human Resource professionals and its consequences regarding the reference checking and background investigation. It is described that it is very significant to check the references while considering any new induction in the organization. It is crucial step in hiring procedure for all the applicants that are being hired. It is very harmful for the organization to hire an individual, who would not have hired, if the checking reference would have done. The Author has said that attorneys also recommend their employees to limit the reference section so that it does not create any kind of lawsuits due to any privacy or personal issues (Woska, 2007).

The author has described that employers has to take some kind of legal advices regarding the checking of reference. The article elaborates that the reference checking section should be limited and not detailed; the applicant should also provide as brief information as can. However these parameters can be frustrated for both the parties and especially for the job hunters who do not find any appropriate reference from his previous employment, where he/she has performed excellently. It is clearly specified in the article that reference checking is the significant process of hiring and thus human resource professionals should clearly determine the honesty in the references to check the attitude, behavior etc. of the new employer. Employers are mainly concerned with the violence in workplace and therefore lawsuits regarding inappropriate hiring. Therefore ...