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Article Analysis


Hate converse suggested to disable its aim simultaneously endows its very resistance; its injurious power is the equal fuel that feeds the blaze of its counter-appropriation. Laying claim to the forbidden, the saying as device for battling is taken up and taken back by those it searches for to shackle—a self-emancipation that withstands hegemonic linguistic ownership and the (ab) use of power. Linguistic reclamation, more over renowned as linguistic resignification or reappropriation, mentions to the appropriation of a pejorative epithet by its target(s).


A Queer Revolution: Reconceptualizing the Debate over Linguistic Reclamation

The linguist Melinda Yuen-Ching Chen brags the next definition: “The time span 'reclaiming' mentions to an array of theoretical and acknowledged interpretations of both linguistic and non-linguistic collective activities in which a derogatory pointer or signifier is attentively committed by the 'original' aim of the derogation, often in a affirmative or oppositional sense” (1998:130). At the heart of linguistic reclamation is the right of self-definition, of forging and calling one's own existence. Because this self-definition is formed not in one's own time span but those of another, because it inescapably enumerations upon the word's pejoration for its revolutionary resignification, it is not ever without contestation or controversy. While the contention over reclamation is generally declined to a clear-cut binary of support and contradiction, I present an alternate conceptualization that unquestionably comprises both the convoluted compares and commonalities interior the debate. Additionally, by investigating distinct goals interior and over reclamations, I show the adversity of assigning a fixed deduction of accomplishment or failure. Although queer is the major case study, the time span very dark, nigger, cunt, and dyke supplement and complicated the concern from a accurate study of queer to linguistic reclamation in general.

Queer eventually did become affiliated almost solely with non-normative sexuality, an association which has persevered to the present. In contrast to its up to designated day usage amidst queer theorists and self-identified queers (yet alike to its usage in the mass media), by the early 20th 100 years, queer as associated to sex non-normative was guarded almost solely to male homosexual practices, as in the next demonstration from the U.S. Children's Bureau's Practical Value of Scientific Study of Juvenile Delinquents of 1922: “A juvenile man, effortlessly ascertainable to be strangely fine in other characteristics, is probable 'queer' in sex tendency” (Simpson and Weiner 1989: 1014). As George Chauncey shows in an in writing ascertain of time span of self-reference of male homosexuals in New York previous to the Second World War, queer co-existed with fairy in the 1910s and 1920s to mention to “homosexuals” (1994: 15-16). Far from being synonyms, whereas, they expressed exceedingly distinct in-group connotations. Differing from queers in their deviant gender grade, fairies cited to effeminate, flamboyant males associated to sex committed with other men.

Queers, in contrast, were more masculine men who were associated to sex committed with other men and who generally shunned, even detested, the woman-like demeanour of fairies. “The men who identified themselves as part of a distinct ...
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