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Research Papers on Arts

The Arts is the combination of words, phrases or visuals to describe the expressions and thoughts of an individual. Researchomatic offers a wide range of academic papers on various fields of arts including fine arts, visual arts, music, drama, photography, decorative arts, etc.

Prefabrication In Construction
PREFABRICATION IN CONSTRUCTION Prefabrication In Construction Prefabrication In Construction Introduction Although it is far time that the word "prefab" is associated with hasty construction, temporary and low quality are not yet sufficiently widespread in the community of designers an ...
Domestic Violence
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Intervention in Domestic Violence in Women Abstract The area that is being studies here is the intervention in domestic violence in the teenage women. The aims of the study are to identify the reasons for domestic violence in teenage girls and to identify whether the in ...
Jean Michel Basquiat’s Artwork
Jean Michel Basquiat’s Artwork Introduction It is said that a person’s value should be judged from his work. In order to understand the depth of a person we need to understand how well he carved his thoughts and expressions in his work. Jean-Michel Basquiat, a mythical artist, rejuvenated the a ...
STONEHENGE Stonehenge Stonehenge Introduction Stonehenge is a megalithic complex (from the Greek megas "large" and lithos "stone") which is located near Salisbury, in Great Britain (Godsell, 2008). It consists of dolmens (from tol "table" and less "rock"), basic architectural stru ...
Critical Analysis – Sir Walter Raleigh Poems
CRITICAL ANALYSIS – SIR WALTER RALEIGH POEMS Critical Analysis – Sir Walter Raleigh Poems Critical Analysis – Sir Walter Raleigh Introduction – About Sir Walter Raleigh Sir Walter Raleigh was born in 1552 in Hayes Barton, a community in Devon near Sid mouth. He eventually matriculated at ...
Women Occupy Essential Roles In Films Of Virtually Any Genre
Women occupy essential roles in films of virtually any genre The Bourne Identity (2002) This movie was based on the novel by Robert Ludlum. It is a story of a man who has his body wounded. His body is discovered by fishermen who take care of him and bring back his health. He remembers almost no ...
Paleolithic Cave Art
Paleolithic Cave Art Introduction Paleolithic Cave Art of the cornice of Cantabria is found in Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country. These are in addition to the 17 caves, of Altamira, has long been classified a World Heritage Site. The paintings found there, an average of 14 000 years ol ...
African Images And Western Media
AFRICAN IMAGES AND WESTERN MEDIA The Flow and Framing of African Images in the Western Media ABSTRACT In this study we try to explore the concept of “The Flow and Framing of African Images in the Western Media” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “African Im ...
Hazard Analysis Tools
HAZARD ANALYSIS TOOLS Application of Preliminary Hazard Analysis Tools In An Occupational Safety Situations Application of Preliminary Hazard Analysis Tools In An Occupational Safety Situations Introduction A hazard can be considered as a main potential for harm. Any condition in which ...
Occupational Safety Tool
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY TOOL Occupational Safety Tool Occupational Safety Tool Abstract Tools are such a common part of our lives that it is difficult to remember that they may pose hazards. All tools are manufactured with safety in mind but, tragically, a serious accident often occur ...