Art Of Communication

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Is the Art of Communication Dying?


This paper aims at presenting a research carried out to discuss the debate that whether the art of communication is actually dying. The paper critically evaluates the different arguments put forward in this regard by different experts and scholars in the field along with the latest developments that have evolved in social media and networking that have influenced the dynamics and shape of communication as it exists today.

Is the Art of Communication Dying?


Communicating is an art, and as such must be capable of arousing emotions, feelings, and evoke memories.The art of communication is the result of the ability of genius who is able to enter into meaningful relationship with each other. Although the science of communication evolves and model their own laws according to the transformation and the emergence of new media, she never is just the result of highly innovative technological processes, but the product of a plot is original and dynamic of professionalism, competence and above all passion. Communicate means to bet on their beliefs, to try a new one that is able to convey a message different from all others.

At times when one is moving forth and back through a sms or an email, it is easy to misunderstand the attitude or perceptions of the other person, and form an incorrect perception about his state of mind (Avtgis, 2001). For example, an individual might get the idea that someone is mad at him or upsets with something he said since they used exclamation marks or all caps in their reply.

The invention of email and evolution in the social media, largely contributed to the growing popularity of text messaging and other social networks, have led to a situation where individuals do not communicate anymore (Krizan, 2007). One would rather send a sms, write an email or post a tweet rather than engaging into an actual conversation. This has given rise to the debate which puts the communication scholars into two opposite divides; one that suggests that the art of communication is dying, and the other group that not only negates this argument but advocates the thriving of the art (Carlson, 2006).

This paper aims at providing a detailed analysis of the evidence put forward by the two schools of thought, and presents the arguments in regard to the idea of communication as a dying art. More importantly, the paper explains how the research proves that communication is, in fact, not a dying art and on the contrary, growing and thriving with the evolution of social media and other mediums of communication (Bannon, 2003). However, one must understand the concept and significance of communication in human life and the related issues to establish a familiarity with the subject and a better understanding of the actual debate.

Communication Defined

Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with some meaning attached to it. The main elements of a communication process include the sender as a source, communication medium and a receiver (Knight ...
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