Art Assignment

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ART Assignment

D) Cartoon-esque paintings

The three subjects included in the final piece America's Most Wanted, 1994

Nature, including deers (Animal food source), lake, sky, landscape, and trees.

Humans in their reproductive prime

A strong male leader (George Washington)


B) Rina Banerjee

This sprawling sculpture-installation is a attractively crafted visionary symbol of the AIDS plague in the countryside of India. She talks in the recorded tour about how she wanted the piece to be monumentally tactile, the vein-like functioning and decorative interior of a human body escaping to it own exterior outside. It is deft, elegant and sinuous.

Considering the above mentioned rendition, I would create a sculpture which depicts a society composed of various ethnicities and races. Furthermore, I will select a pressing issue of our society, such as the racial differences between white and black Americans or the issue of our military endeavors. I would use clay as my prime material.

Jean Genet

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith's Trade (Gifts for Trading Land with White People) is a large-scale painting with collage elements and attached objects that explores the politics of identity. Technically, she uses mixed media on a large canvas. The canvas is a mixture of a collage with Native American newspaper clippings and oil paint loosely brushed onto to it. It has large patches of color reds, orange, and green juxtaposes in these large strokes giving it an appearance of a thick texture. The colors are placed in the negative spaces and in the middle is a painted canoe. Above the canvas, she hangs a clothesline which has a various objects hanging from it. Some of these objects are Native American artifacts such as belts and beaded jewelry mixed with sports memorabilia that have Native American names such as Washington Redskins and Atlanta Braves. Quick-to-See Smith uses cultural heritage and historical references to comment on the present and to ...
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