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Drama Film: Living among the Corpses

Drama Film: Living among the Corpses


It is a drama film in which a boy and his father wander in a field of dead people collecting their valuables. It is their routine and they do so every day to live and survive. Tired of this horrifying routine, boy asks his father that why they could not go back to their home where his mother cook stew for them rather than eating dead bodies and collecting the corpses. Deviating from this subject he asked his father about the cause of so many deaths at a time. His father told him about the sins they committed. The boy also felt pain which urged him to know why God is punishing him while he was so pure. This anguishes his father to slap him. In this drama the boy kept on asking the reasons behind the actions of God. In this film the boy and his father have to travel a lot for their survival and due to which they have left their family behind. Suffering with hunger the boy lost his mother sister and faunally his father too. He was left alone among the corpses and asked God about his sins. He had to wait for his own turn, to die and to meet his family. But the first he had to know many things about the sins, rewards, heaven, God and his actions.


Boy: It hurts here, Father. Father: Have you hungry?

Boy: No, no. the pain was right in his stomach and then extends. It hurts. (Falls to his knees) It tightens the muscles, father I cannot not think of anything but pain. Why I feel this way?

Father: It's called suffering.

Boy: And why do I suffer?

Father: Because it is the will of God.

Boy: But I have not done anything wrong, Father. Uncle John says that if I am pure rectum. God will watch over me, then why treat me this way? Why I am so much hurt the body? Why do I have to get up early and come to this horrendous place from the dead? Why we have to eat bread with dead meat? Why we cannot be at home with mom and my sister and eat mutton stew? I did nothing.

Father fact: No one is without sin in the eyes of God, son, even you .Boy I have done nothing. Father: (He released another slap) you mean you're as pure as God?

Boy: ...

Father: Nobody is as pure as God or angels.


The boy gradually recomposed. The father continued plundering the corpse. Then, the boy helps his father. When they finish their work, the father smiles at the child and the child nods.

Boy: I understand, Father ... I am not pure in the eyes of God and therefore deserve to suffer (The father nods)

Boy: However ...

Father: Yes?

Boy: I also know that if I'm as impure as the people who died here, I will be punished ...
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