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Literature Analysis

Literature Analysis

Since many decades the role of women in our society has changed tremendously. A glance in the past exhibits the status of a woman as being weak, dependant and submissive more like a slave in a relationship than being an equivalent partner and sharing the same intangible rights as that of a man. Logical explanation to such a status in the past is due to the fact that women tend to be high on emotions. Emotions tend to railroad the importance of logical decision making consequently leading to irrational or biased decision making. It is this aspect of emotions that has stereotyped women in the past and hence resulting in being weak. However what people do not understand is the fact that it is not the emotions but the degree of loyalty they have towards their partner based on which they are willing to sacrifice themselves. Such behavior is also visible in the literature work of The Fly and The Watchmen.

In 'The Fly', Ronnie the female character holds on to Seth in all the physical and mental difficulties that he was going through regardless of the fact that Ronnie knew that Seth would not be the same man she loved or the same man she came into a relationship with. She still decides to stay with him when Seth was not a human anymore. Ronnie's loyalty is also commendable in the instance when the inhumanness as well as repulsiveness takes over Seth and he tried hurting her but despite the life threatening instance Ronnie does not care and sticks with him. Ronnie even bares a child with him but is apprehensive whether the child is infected or not since she is unsure whether she has conceived before the Seth was infected or after. This also shows the level of loyalty she has towards Seth. She could have easily aborted the child because of the ambiguity but she did not (Mansfield, pp. 152). On the contrary, in 'The Watchmen', Laurie refuses to be with Dr. Manhattan when because of the fact that she learnt that Dr. Manhattan neither perceives nor treats her like a human. Every human has the urge to be taken care of and their needs and wants be taken care off. This instance was not present in the relationship that Dr. Manhattan and Laurie shared hence she refused to stick with him (

In both the situations, Ronnie is more inclined towards the emotional aspect of the relationship and hence ignores what future would entail if she is to stick by Seth. In the case of Laurie, she took a decision to leave Dr. Manhattan rationally since she realized that the right of being treated normally did not exist and that if she continues to be with him it will impact the definition of Self-Concept that she had and would consequently question her existence. Laurie was saved from being in endless struggle for a relationship that had no future, as ...
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