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Designer Profile Report

Designer Profile Report


Art is a language used to express the innate feelings and talent of an artist. It is used to outrageously explain one's thoughts and feelings about an object or the outer world. Many artists use it as a source to flow out their feelings, expressions and their perspective of this world. Different artists have different sources of inspiration that influences their work and art designs.

For some people it is a second hand profession, they engage in painting and abstract art in their spare time and for others, it is that part of life without which they cannot even take breath. Such artists make it their bed and blanket and enter into in depth research workings and studies to explore the undiscovered aspects of art. Different techniques of art that includes painting, colour sketches, imagery arts and illustrations are used by artists to show their innate talent.

This paper aims at highlighting the work of a contemporary artist, who has done tremendous work in this field and her experience through the life span adds to her inspirational work. It starts with a quick glimpse of her biography that includes her background, studies and work collections. Then it places emphasis on her professional artistic work and spots lights her work, techniques used, key collections and sources of inspiration and influences on her art work.

In the end it sums up the whole profile of the contemporary artist with the learning objectives achieved for my studio work.

Profile of the Contemporary Artist

The designer selected for art profile is named Liz Chapman. She is from San Diego, CA. She is a contemporary artist, illustrator and designer. She is a graduate of Regiate School of Art and Design and also holds the degree in fine arts from a renowned university (

The most interesting element of her that catches my eyesight is book illustration. She has been an art teacher besides her artistic job. Her experience in the architectural design and draughtsmanship is really a piece of stunning beauty. Her work is really admirable and is of high interest to me. Her enthusiasm to keep exploring about the painting work and continuing with research at each step makes her the artist of my choice (

Recently, she is working as a full time artist and this can be reflected from her work that her paintings are now taking a winding path that continues to challenge and ask her to research the field. If speak of the truth, this has brought her back to the point where she started her career as an architectural, which has been the true inspiration behind her work and recent collections, which can be named as anonymous city. It is a piece of art that incorporates the influences and diversions that she has experienced on her way to be a successful contemporary artist (


Liz Chapman is working as an architectural and painter. She has been interested in drawing abstract paintings and illusionary works. Her art work is really admirable and her inspirations ...
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