Argumentative Paper Of Philosophy

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Argumentative Paper of Philosophy

Argumentative Paper of Philosophy


The paper intends to expound the philosophical perspective on ethical concept. The study attempts to present the argumentation whether universal ethical principles are necessary. The study will provide the both point of views on the selected topic, favorable and unfavorable, but the primary consideration will be on the defensive side. As according to my perceptions, universal ethical principles are necessary and foundations for the human being to spend their lives based on the universal laws of ethics. It is necessary to have universal ethical principles as because the universal ethics indicate the set of principles which can be applied to all mankind regardless of their observed faith or religions. These principles do not prescribe any ritual, do not deal with the concept of God, and do not contain myths or stories. However, these principles are the basic set of specific ethical principles that attempt to highlight the human rights and hence they are acceptable by all human beings. Moreover, there is not restriction to not to follow the religious and secular principles but the people can also pursue their specific religious and secular principles while adhering with the universal ethical principles (Sinclair, 2005).

In short, the concept of ethics declares the code of conducts of everything and it is considered as the essence every discipline. Hence, the universal declaration of the ethical principles is the common moral framework that regulates the common perceptions and common conducts of the entire world regardless of race, color, religion, and nationality. Thus, the universal ethical declaration articulates the principles that are common and collective in spite of specific and prescriptive.


Ethics is the study of moral beliefs and values which is considered as the foundation for doing each and every task. The concept of ethics has been developed to change the immoral practices and preserve the human rights in order to safeguard the humanity. According to Gulen that universal ethical principles and values are the set of noble principles that attempt to regulate the human conducts (Paya, 2008). Moreover, the universal ethical principles are those set of rules and regulations that can be shared throughout the world regardless of cultures though under different names. The ethical universal principles are for everyone that attempts to prescribe the obligations and rights for everybody through the list of virtues on the ethics. The proponents of the universal ethical principles claim that these principles are the standards of living for the human beings. Hence, the principles of universal ethics prescribe and recommend the same set of rules for everyone that include the same obligations, same rights, same virtues, and same penalties without any exceptions. The advocates of the universal principles say that these principles provide the equal ground for everyone regardless of any discrimination. The principles hold the equal and ethical importance as they do not only emphasize on the fact that humans have right but rather these principles accentuate on the equality that all humans have the same rights (O'Neills, ...
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