Argumentative Essay - Alternative Energy

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Argumentative Essay - Alternative Energy

Argumentative Essay - Alternative Energy

Alternative Energy

In general alternative energy is also termed as alternative energy sources. These sources of energy are created as an alternative to the traditional or classic fossil fuels. However, there is no consensus on what technologies are covered with this concept, and the definition of alternative “alternative energy” differs according to different authors. In a more precise definition, alternative energy would be equivalent to the concept of renewable energy to green power, while broader definitions considered alternative energy to all energy sources that do not involve burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil. (Jared, 228-56) These definitions include nuclear energy as well hydro.

There are many sources for the green energy (alternative energy) such as bio fuels, hydrogen, solar, geothermal, or nuclear energy. However, there are many doubts that alternative energy can meet energy demands better than finite fossil fuels such as oil and coal. Therefore, I chose to discuss this argumentative issue after researching the benefits and specifications of each energy source and compare them in my paper. I find this research topic very interesting since it touches one of the most contemporary issues in the 20th century concerning a matter that has been ignored for many centuries. (Sorensen, 59-75)Nonetheless, I am aiming to demonstrate how efficient are alternative energy in comparison to fossil fuels sources and explain more about energy and economy.

Availability of Alternative Energy

There is indeed an increase in the amount of need of energy in the world. All these resources are waiting for us to utilise them. For the utilisation of these resources, we need to invest a lot of money and time, but this is much better than making use of fossil fuels that damage our environment. The alternative energy highly differs on the basis of their cost-effectiveness and on the basis of their availability in United States. (Cradd, 57-85)Even though, the natural resources such as water, wind and sun might appear to be free for use, but the cost is applied for their collection, preservation, transporting and harnessing the power in order to make it useful. For example, to take the energy from water, there is a requirement of dam to be developed which includes the transmission line and electric generators.

Wind power is one of the most abundantly available resources that we use with the wind turbines. These resources are continuously developing with the increasing amount of need and are gradually becoming far more effective and cheap in terms of energy. There are a number of wind farms developed strategically in order to avoid jeopardizing the population of birds and their natural environment. The first wind turbine was not well placed. The rule behind the Wind power is that the force produced by the wind and water currents is passed via the wind turbine that converts the force energy into electric energy (The Humanist, 2000).

One of the most famous alternative energy is photo voltaic power, which almost everyone is aware ...
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