Argumentative Essay

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Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay


The article that has been selected is “Not In My Fridge”. This article was written by Jeffery Smith in the Ecologist and is written to promote the GM food campaign. This is a newspaper article and the premise behind this news article is to promote the actuality of Genetically Manufactured Food. Genetically modified food (GM Food) is also known as bio-engineered food which is commercially. It is created through artificial modification of DNA thorough splicing. The DNA is cut and spliced from crop plants and modified for the consumption of human and animals. Since its advent, a lot have been said about how advantageous but the disadvantages cannot be ignored (Smith, 2009).

Thesis Statement

Genetically modified food is indeed high in nutritional value and is termed as healthy food but it since it is modified it is bound to have disadvantages which have been highlighted by the opposition and it cannot be ignored.


Subject: The subject of the article is based on Genetically Modified food. Scientists claim that the genetically modified food is said to be high in nutritional value and is beneficial for human health but in reality it also severe consequences which might not be present or apparent in the short run but in the long run it might be threatening human life.

Audience: This article is said to be targeted to towards all but specifically to the buying decision makers of the house who are said to be responsible for eatables that are being stored in the fridge and is consumed by the members of the house.

Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to highlight the consequences of consuming genetically modified food and the degree to which it can be threatening to human if the consumption becomes widespread.

Argument: This form of argument can be termed as a deductive argument whereby there is a premise that is said to support the conclusion. The authority that the argument is said to rely on is scientific facts and figures. The argument relies on scientific findings and researches.

Facts used in the Argument: In food safety, the main concerns are the presence of toxic agents from pesticides, drug residues and additives in farmed animals and fish farms, and the use of chemicals in the process of storing, handling and marketing consumer products. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or GM can produce effects on human and animal health and represent a potential hazard to bio diverse countries. The large number of compounds of this type sold in the last decades of the twentieth century and the lack of control in the traditional use of these substances has aroused great concern about potential adverse health effects, although it is unknown to what extent are harmful to human health. Apart from its adverse effects, damage the liver, kidney, thyroid, immune, nervous and reproductive, carcinogenic, relate to cases childhood mental retardation and birth defects are difficult to eliminate by natural means (Pringle, 2005).

Another crucial health concern of GM food is the potential of higher allergies due to food ...
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