Argument Of Homosexual Marriage

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Argument of Homosexual Marriage

Argument of Homosexual Marriage


Many people find homosexual behavior immoral and do not want anything related to homosexuality to be accepted or endorsed in the U.S. The last thing the nation needs, say social conservatives, is for the institution of marriage to be further trivialized and moved away from its roots at a time when traditional family values are already under assault in contemporary culture. However, gay-rights advocates claim that marriage should be about love and commitment between two people, regardless of their sex or sexual orientation. They say that providing gay and lesbian couples with the same legal entitlements as heterosexual couples poses no risk to society or to heterosexuals (Collins, 2009).

Moreover, it gets contend that civil marriage provides heterosexual couples and their recognized families with many legal and economic benefits that should not be denied to homosexual couples, many of whom also raise families together. Backers of same-sex marriage claim that society should define family and marriage in terms of people who care deeply about one another rather than use restrictive and outdated definitions of what families ought to look like. The government, they say, should encourage all kinds of committed, long-term relationships, including homosexual ones (Collins, 2009).

The possibility that same-sex marriage could be legalized has resulted in often strident debate over a subject that cuts across volatile issues of sexuality, religion, morality and family. What exactly is marriage? Are gays and lesbians entitled to the legal and economic recognition of a civil marriage? Should the courts uphold relations that a majority of Americans consider unacceptable? Should gays and lesbians be permitted to adopt and raise children?

Thus, in the scientific work of Edward Vestermaka The History of Human Marriage (1922) defines marriage as the union of one or more men with one or more women, recognized by law and generates certain rights and responsibilities of participants. This definition did not include same-sex relationships are recognized by society, marked by more than 30 African nations. In lexicography the meaning of words may change as the situation evolves. Thus, over the past 10 years in the English-speaking world in the most authoritative dictionaries of words in the definition of marriage is gone for the differentiation of either sex was added to an article on same-sex unions. In the Oxford English Dictionary notion of same-sex marriage appeared in 2000.

The press is configured negatively with respect to same-sex marriage, the word marriage in this application enclosed in quotes. In the U.S., most of the media departed from this practice. The Associated Press recommends the use of the word "marriage" for gays and lesbians, and allows a form of "gay marriage" in the title only, without a hyphen or quotation marks, while warning against use this structure as it creates a sense of same-sex marriage legal inequalities with respect to opposite-sex (Collins, 2009).


However, in this paper I will like to present two sides of the argument about should homosexuals be able to marry? The debate over gay marriages involves both legal and ...
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