Argument Analysis Paper: Abortion Is Permissible Or Not

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Argument Analysis Paper: Abortion is Permissible or Not


This paper provides an argument analysis on whether abortion is ethical or unethical based on three articles, titled “After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?” written by Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva, “Abortion from an Islamic Ethical Point of View” by Serdar Demirel, and “Is there a 'new ethics of abortion” written by Raanan Gillon.

Argument Analysis Paper: Abortion is Permissible or Not


This paper canvasses the key argument of the abortion discussion, with the expectation to sharpen that discussion. The aim is to offer a clear picture on the idea of abortion and not to defend a political stance. The key basis of the argument is to take into consideration the ethics of “convenience” abortion curtailing from adult sex and consensus. This paper tries to answer the abortion mortality is a multifaceted topic with a sound debate available to both point of views; it is significant to embrace a pro-life or pro-choice points without opposing other widely held beliefs; and offer greater respect in comparison to public forums. This paper revolves around two most widespread viewpoints on the abortion issue, which stated abortion is morally wrong, or abortion is morally permissible.


Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva in their article argued, new born and fetus that are just hours old do not have the same ethical standing as actual individual. Authors asserted that the ethical status of a baby is same to that of a fetus in the manner, which they lacked in those characteristics that rationalize the ascription of a right to life to a person (Giubilini & Minerva, 2012).

In this article, authors asserted that newborn was “potential person” rather than being an “actual person;” thus, their killing or abortion is permissible. According to Giubilini and Minerva, a newborn and fetus certainly is a potential human being while still not a person; therefore, there is no ethical obligation applied, such as a moral right to life. On the other hand, this article provided justification of abortion as family and maternal interests. It seems that authors in this article try to promote another moral perspective in relation to abortion rather than present the truth. Briefly, authors provide an argument that abortion is permissible even when a newborn is healthy or is not disable because fetuses has no moral status as actual individuals.

Giubilini and Minerva claimed that newborns are not morally relevant; therefore, adoption does not come across reasonable counter-argument as the fetus's parents might be psychologically or economically distress, as well as the mother may undergo emotional grief while the author does not explain that how mother does not experience distress by having an abortion. In case, criteria are economic, psychological and social costs for parents are valid grounds for aborting a newborn despite fetus is not disable and healthy, if the ethical stance of the fetus is similar to that of infant and if not has any ethical significance by virtue of being human, subsequently, the similar rationale can be given for ...