Argueagainst Rasing Collegetuition

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ArgueAgainst Rasing CollegeTuition


Budgets may betight for most Americans, but that hasn't stopped colleges and universities from raising tuition. Public universities, which aretypically perceived as a moreaffordableoption, arereally turning up theheat on students thanks to rising debts in both stateand local governments. As a result, theaveragetuition and fees for in-statepublic schools, over thepast year, increased by 7.9% to $7,605, compared to an average4.5% increaseat privateuniversities, with an averagepriceof $27,293, according to theCollegeBoard's Trends in CollegePricing 2010 report. Tack on room and board, and theaveragecost of attendanceat a four-year, in-statepublic school for the2010-2011 academic year rose6.1% year over year to $16,140. At four-year ...