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Managing and Responding to Behaviors in a Learning Environment

DTTLS Professional Certificate in Education

Managing and Responding to Behaviors in a Learning Environment


Learning is a process that takes place when individuals interact with their environment. The outcome of learning are changes in the human behavior. Learning can more precisely be defined as permanent changes that take place in human behavior. These changes in behavior occur as a result of experience.

Teaching has been long influenced with the notion of spreading knowledge, education and learning towards people of all ages and sizes. For all those individuals who have been working long and hard in the methodology, delivery and improvement of the teaching systems, they have made contributions in the analysis and realization in the field of education and learning respectively.

In the following paper we shall study how to manage and respond to behaviors in a learning environment which is part of teaching under the head of life long learning sector.

Role of Behavior in Learning

Behavior plays a vital role in the learning process. The definition of learning also focuses on behavior as an important determinant of learning. The changes in human behavior take place when individuals interact with their environment.

Behavior is the core of psychology. It is because behavior allows individuals to analyze and comprehend. Behavior changes that take place as a result of learning increase the horizon of human comprehension.

Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning

In the lifelong learning sector the major aspect or responsibility of a teacher is to focus on the students needs and to supply the industry with highly educated and trained personnel who strive for innovation and excellence.

Ethical Supervision in Teaching

The term supervision in teaching can be interpreted in several ways, including the supervision of students' academic progression as overseen by their instructors, supervision of junior faculty members' teaching by more experienced faculty, and the supervision of all instructors' teaching activities by the department head or other senior university administrators. The supervision of teaching activities can help novice instructors to overcome common pitfalls such as a lack of confidence in their teaching ability or relying too heavily on one's lecture notes and can take place in groups or one-on-one (Bolhuis, 2003,pp. 327-347).

. The ethical issues inherent in these supervisory contexts must also be viewed from multiple perspectives, including that of the supervisor, the supervisee, students in the supervisee's courses, and, more broadly, the university, the surrounding community, and society.

Promoting Equality and Diversity

There may be the issue of stereotyping and prejudice in teaching and evaluating students, for example, teachers may support and facilitate few students due to their rapid learning skills. Creating a healthy and productive learning environment for all students is at the heart of curriculum reform efforts. The impact of attending to diversity in curriculum is clearly evident in content and pedagogy at all levels of education from early childhood to doctoral studies, as well as in the contentious debates about how diversity should best be addressed ( ...
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