Are Women Happy Being Second To Men In Ancient Times?

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Are Women Happy Being Second to Men in Ancient Times?

Are Women Happy Being Second to Men in Ancient Times?

That fact that women are often regarded as being second to men in ancient times has been the subject of much debate. Poets, writers and philosophers alike have resorted to claiming women are inferior to men. These claims when mentioned in front on men had their influence on the general mindset and the manner in which men perceived women was altered. Even till this time, the ancient thought process among men remains in some form or the other. Men continue to suppress women in today's society as well. In times of philosophers such as Aristotle and Socrates have had varying perception about women being content with being second to men. Aristotle was of the view that women, during times of war and conflict, were the source of confusion among men and in ways made soldiers to reconsider their duties toward their country. According to Aristotle, women have resisted attempts by men to be held accountable for their actions. This leads to the view that women prefer to be treated as equals, if not above men. These historic events have influence the manner in which women view their roles in the society and thus began a struggle for women's equality in rights and freedom.

The views of Aristotle reflect the male mindset of ancient times. It is this very mindset that has crept up in today's society where men continue to dominate women in virtually all aspects of the society. The argument here is that women do not feel content being suppressed in any way. Have the right to enjoy the same levels of freedom as men. What ancient societies did not recognize or acknowledge was that women were created as equals to compliment ...