Are Freemasons Satanists?

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Are Freemasons Satanists?

Most of the article on Freemasonry underneath has been taken from Masonic publications that have been released by Masonic Publishing businesses, and most of them were previously very, very secret. We farther have taken the Biblical admonition mindfully, matching Masonic teachings to the Holy Bible. In 1 John 4:1, we glimpse this order to all Christians: "Beloved, believe not every essence, but try (test) the spirits if they are of God: because numerous false prophets are gone out into the world." therefore we see that any devout educating that does not conform to Scripture is from a "false prophet" (Hamill, 25).

This workout is not an empty one, for your eternal, prized soul is at stake. eventually, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior Masons deliberately lie to their young person Masons, as those Masons "deserve to be mislead"; 2) interpretations granted to 95% of all Masons are wrong. hear to this quote from a Masonic scribe, Carl Claudy: "Cut through the outer case and find a significance; cut through that significance and find another; under it, if you cut into deep sufficient, you may find a third, a fourth -- who will say how numerous teachings?" You have been deceived to, as we show in our numerous articles (Nesta, 36). Finally, remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in principles & Dogma, that "Masonry is equal to the very old mysteries ", which means that all their teachings in all their books are unquestionably the equal as the very old, Pagan, Satanic Mysteries!

We passionately pray that the Holy essence will illumine your brain, heart, and soul with the information of the true God, and only the factual God, of the Holy Bible.

We now draw your vigilance to the Masonic Apron depicted here. You will note the All-Seeing Eye on the ...
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