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The impact of World War II on architecture in Europe

The impact of World War II on architecture in Europe


Through time architectural style has held an increasingly important role within society, helping to shape and develop it whilst improving the manner in which we live. It has been a key in defining lines between old and new civilizations. The births of many styles throughout the world have been used as statements to mark symbolic moments in a society's history. The beginning of new eras, powers and beliefs has been throughout time marked all over the world via the development and construction of buildings boasting new architectural styles.

History shows that as architectural styles developed it was not always the case that these emerging styles and new forms of buildings were a product of arrogance and pride but a cause of being a means to accommodate its society's needs. It has been observed that the architecture has changed after the World War II. Considering the significance of change in architecture after World War II this essay aims to analyse this change and focuses on the works of Peter & Alison Smithson, Aldo van Eyck, and Aldo Rossi. The reason for chosing this topic is the dramatic change that has been observed in architecture of Europe after the World War II. This research will help in understanding the causes and reason behind this change.

War Time Architecture

From the end of World War II architects presented the maximum tasks: the reconstruction of European cities destroyed, creating cultural and commercial centers in major American cities, the founding of new capital in Asia (Chandigarh) and South America (Brasilia). The technique of large sets happened to building isolated from the interwar years. This change is clearly manifested in the interaction begins to occur between the traditional architecture of buildings and communications architecture (bridges, highways, airports), so that the architect happens to act in landscape planning and space. Are set to review the principles developed by the architecture of the twenties and thirties. During this process functionalism squarely attributed to experience a major setback (Slessor, 2011, pp. 102-111).

The creative reflection becomes increasingly significant towards a new interpretation of the organic architecture. This trend of architecture seems to have reached its climax (Forlenza, 2012, pp. 73-116). Technical considerations and practical, such as mass production and population growth, advise that remains in use cell building, determined according to the rigorous system of vertical and horizontal, in places where they are to stay large concentrations, i.e., office buildings and residential buildings. As advantages of this procedure more greenery and space traffic reports. This last challenge was essential that the international community should acquire a new institutional architecture that would ensure free multilateral trade and payments system international stable and able to absorb external imbalances countries. At least so thought the United States and the United Kingdom, the two leaders of the international economy and strongholds ally block.

The architectural history throughout World War II is something that just ...