Archaeology Of Cadbury Castle

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Archaeology of Cadbury Castle

Archaeology of Cadbury Castle


History of the world is quite ancient. From the beginning of this world, there have been a number of civilizations that were formed, and many of them vanished with the passage of time. The civilizations that succeeded the previous ones made significant efforts in order to know about the previous civilizations that vanished.

Archaeology is the study of the activities of the humans that existed in the past, mostly based on the analysis of the remains of their environment and culture of life. The factors that are of prime importance in this regard are the landscapes and their architecture. These factors, when analyzed and studied in depth, reveal remarkable information regarding the humans of that era. A number of procedures are a part of the discipline of archaeology. These include excavation in order to acquire materials and articles of the past, and then there in depth analysis in order to reveal information.

The history of archaeology dates back to the 19th century, when people started to make attempts in order to acquire knowledge about the people of the past and about the ancient civilizations.

In the past civilizations, writing was not common, and therefore the people of the ancient civilizations did not left any written records that can help in revealing information about the people of that age. Therefore, archaeologists need to excavate the lands in order to acquire things that can provide them with the required information. Through the discipline of archaeology, archaeologists have got information that is very helpful in learning about the evolution of technology with the passage of time. What the human used to do to perform a task in the ancient days, and what they started to do to perform the same task later on, questions like these have been answered by archaeological studies.

Archaeologists use the remains of the past civilization that they acquire, and then they try to reconstruct those remains so as to understand the aspects of the humans of that civilization.


Archaeological Models for Social Classification and Settlement Patterning

The main idea behind archaeology is to know more about the humans of the ancient and vanished civilizations. It is aimed at finding the answers to the questions like how the people of the ancient civilization lived, what they used to make, what was their lifestyle, what was their culture and what was the environment in which they lived.

There have been a number of archaeological models regarding social classification. On the basis of this classification, archaeologists have been able to acquire very useful knowledge about the social aspects of the ancient civilizations. The articles and items that are found by excavation in an archaeological site reflect the purpose that their makers had at that time. This helps a great deal in knowing about the society of those civilizations.

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