Arab Blackberry

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Arab Blackberry

Arab Blackberry


BlackBerry is a world leader in the mobile market, based in Canada, with over 31billion dollar of income. He has a good reputation worldwide. It is a leading brand in some areas and is growing every day. Vision of a world where everything is connected can contribute to sustainable development. The company operates worldwide diverse population. For example, the European market, people can be divided into various sub-cultures and consumer behaviour is also different. Also today, telecommunications, it is important to people for work and leisure. In addition, consumers are better informed about the choice of mobile phone. As the technology market, perhaps the most important factors that BlackBerry should consider. They must keep abreast of the latest technologies so that they capture the largest market and outperform their competitors. (Bluetooth, GRSP, and the camera) BlackBerry reaches 130 countries and nearly 250 network operators.

Business Strategy

Blackberry is committed to providing its customers with an unparalleled user experience through superior ease-of-use, seamless integration, and innovative product lines. The Company also views constant research and development a key component to its competitiveness looking forward. Proof of this can be seen in Blackberry 's financial statements as a 33.7% increase in R&D expenditures was reported during fiscal year 2010. Intent focus is also placed on the discovery and delivery of digital content and applications through iTunes.

Market Segments

Blackberry , Inc. currently holds retail operations in eleven different countries, which it divides into five separate operating segments; the Americas, Europe, Japan, Asia-Pacific and retail sales. Though the majority of the Company's net sales generated within the Americas operating segment, Blackberry 's concentration in the Asia-Pacific region has shown the highest levels of growth as countries with emerging markets like China continue to show increases in consumer demand for the high-tech devices Blackberry produces (Blackberry Inc, 2010).

Marketing Analysis

Market Structure

The majority of Blackberry 's customers are located in the consumer, SMB, education, enterprise, government and innovative markets. Using a number of direct and indirect distribution channels, the Company holds immense importance in the knowledge of its salespersons, which are able to more effectively convey the premium value of its products to the end user. Demand for Blackberry 's products will rely internally on its ability to reinvent product markets with a continual and timely flow as rapid technological advances, short product life cycles, evolving industry standards and sensitivity to price on the part of consumers leave the Company with a highly volatile mix of markets in which it must compete.

Market segmentation

Blackberry is famous for its strength in selling products (even expensive) to adolescents, also to the strong popularity of its brand. Blackberry market segmentation makes it probable for companies to tailor the dealing combine for accurate goal markets, therefore better convincing clientele needs.

Geographic segmentation is founded on local variables for demonstration locality, climate, community density, and community development rate.

Demographic segmentation is founded on variables for demonstration age, gender, ethnicity, discovering, occupation, profits, and family status.

Psychographic segmentation is founded on variables for demonstration measures, mind-set, and ...
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