Apprehending Foreign Culture

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Apprehending Foreign Culture

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My trip to the land Gandhi is based on the story of the writer who has visited India and inspired with the culture. The time at which the trip has been conducted was the time of Montgomery boycott was on the peak in the country. At this time period Luther King was insulted, beaten and arrested by police officers. The various cultures are not separate watertight, but cleverly recovers in the commercial sector by acting together and by rubbing much more than Europe. It is not only through his films and television series, or his music that Europeans and audiences worldwide with bulimia eat, that American culture is different.

My trip to the land Gandhi is based stranger who paid his bail. But soon after, a black woman exalted as smear campaigns against the pastor had convinced that it was a Communist, he planted a steel letter opener into his chest. The tip stopped against the aorta, which is a miracle that King did not die. During his convalescence, invited by Nehru, he went with his wife in India, in the footsteps of Gandhi.

My argument said that, “the progress toward racial equality was very slow, especially in the southern United States”. Almost everywhere, merely symbolic gestures, such as a few black students in high school that proclaimed integrated. Thus, the patience of the blacks was severely tested, and from 1959 the Black Muslims, who refused to appeal, as King, to the consciousness of white Americans and advocated violence began, under the leadership of Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X mostly, that other great figure in black America, to acquire a large audience, especially in the black ghettos of Northern cities.

On the other hand the argument said that Dr. Johnson had just returned from a trip to India and spoke of the life and teachings of Mohandas Gandhi. King was so inspired by what he heard that I buy half a dozen books on the life of Gandhi and his work. His skepticism about the power of love and nonviolence began to decline as well as his discredited about the potential of this philosophy to deal with social relationships. King explained in “Stride toward Freedom: Prior to reading Gandhi, I had concluded that the ethics of Jesus might be effective in relationships between individuals”. The philosophy of 'turn the other cheek' philosophy and 'love your enemies' felt that they were the only valid, when individuals were in conflict with other individuals. When ethnic groups and nations were in conflict a more realistic approach seemed necessary. But after reading Gandhi, I saw how I was totally wrong.

From the argument of Davis, the oppression of blacks by whites, humiliation, intimidation, lack of interest and contempt of a group to another, all this does not come from a personal hatred. This hatred causees and sustain by the capitalist system survives ruthless oppression by cultivating for profit. Greed is the one and the only reason for the behavior of whites vis-à-vis blacks. Following this, all ...
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