Applying Theory To A Practice Problem - Watson Theory of Human Care

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Applying Theory to a Practice Problem

Applying Theory to a Practice Problem


According to the Watson theory of Human care, the nurses must have to keep a connection of social values with the patient's care. With the increase in the demands of patients, care has become more organized and challenging for the nursing community. There is number practice problems nurses face at their work place. These problems need extensive research and study for their people solution. The purpose of the study is to discuss one of the very common practice problems of nursing in the light of Borrowed and Middle Range theories, so that effective solutions can be taken. For proper guidance of nursing practice, frameworks are available that range form traditional nursing processes to the scientific theories. These theories offer a wide range of approaches to apply on a practice situation and guide the health persons towards different solutions (Scott, 1999).

The problem selected for discussion is operating room. In this situation, nurses do not ample time to be with patients. A challenge for them is a brief nurse-patient encounter. In this short time, they have to select a theoretical framework which can be comfortable experience for both the patient and themselves. The following study discovers the traditional perioperative nursing theory to patients and suggests another substitute which is based on the nursing Middle Age and Borrowed Theories (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, 2004).

The practice problem of perioperative in nursing is very crucial. Perioperative activities include seeking appropriate consents, making sure that preoperative procedures have properly been carried out, indicating environmental hazards, identifying and managing explicit health issues, and other problems that may come in interference with the operative procedures.

Literature review

Patient care specialties have made nursing profession very complex, demanding and sensitive. Perioperative nursing is one of the most sensitive areas in the patient's care. This field demands nurses to be more prepared along with special skills of critical thinking, health promotion, and case management. Perioperative nurses have some traditional ways to promote patient safety by interfering to reduce the hazards of injury and surgical infection. The action of taking quick and important decisions in the operating room required special skills, management and training along with the interpersonal skills (Smale, et al., 2003).

A very high degree of professional duty and ethical values are expected pout of them. At the time of surgical errors, the ethical values make their way into nursing practice. The increased cases of medical malpractice in surgical or perioperative nursing have made it imperative for nurses to practice some special skills in surgical procedures. Surgical errors may lead to often survival or death, cure or failure. The nurses' competencies in the surgical procedures must have been extraordinary as the patient's care depends on it.

The basic aim of this perioperative care is to lessen unfavorable events by taking care of surgical site infections, preventing cardiovascular Incidents. Some initiatives must be taken on urgent basis, such as included, maintaining normothermia, antibiotic administration and conducting preoperative safety briefings (Schreiber & ...