Applying My Integrative Approach

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Applying My Integrative Approach

Applying My Integrative Approach

In this essay, I would discuss my own integrative approach which is based on person centred counselling. I would explain why I believe that person centred therapy is the beneficial and what made me choose the therapy over others. Hence, my integrative approach would be based on the principles of person centred therapy, but would also include some fundamentals of other therapies. Hence, my integrative approach would be a conglomerate of varying theoretical skills, perceptions and strategies taken from a number of counselling approaches (Geldard, 2005).

My integrative approach is based on the essentials of person centred therapy and would include features of other therapies as well.

Person centred therapy is widely used by counsellors and mental health professionals; and is believed to improve the mental functioning of the client/patient (Frick, 1971). The purpose of presenting an integrative approach is to highlight the skills and experience that I have accumulated over the years. In this I will be evaluating my integrative approach using my 50 minute long real play case study. Also, I will be linking the skills I have used to theory as well as demonstrating my understanding of the holistic model of integration in counselling. In addition, I will explain my preferred theoretical approach and the theoretical rationale for my choice. My preferred approach is person centred therapy coined by Carl Rogers (1902-1987).

The main reason for choosing this as my core approach is because of an optimistic view of the human nature and experience as Rogers (1961) believed that humans are headed towards a positive direction. This inner drive which directs humans is called actualising tendency. In this consideration, the work experience that I have gained is based on assisting people who are in need. I have an exceptional record in counselling and assisting people with drug issues and mental illness, as I have worked in Westminster Drug Project and Look Ahead Housing Association.

Counselling has made an exceptional contribution to my own life that enabled me to deal with complicated cases and develop strong and positive relationships with others. For a counsellor, it's very complex task to deal with different issues of clients without any experience and skills. But due to my tremendous success in past, I am able to deal with complex issues more effectively. I also believe in using transpersonal approach is crucial in some cases, as it enables the counsellor to understand all angles of life experience including the cultural and spiritual (Jung,1916).

For instance, the PCT approach reflects my personality, I consider myself as an individual who is willing to learn and develop skills; I have empathy for others but I am not quick to judge. I try my level best to integrate other approaches in dealing with critical situations like for example, PCT approach with Transpersonal and Psychodynamic approach. This helps in the creation of a strong successful therapy as well as looking into the conscious and subconscious, defensive mechanisms, ego, superego and id (Freud, ...
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