Applying Hard System Method To Siemens

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Applying Hard System method to Siemens

Applying Hard System method to Siemens

Siemens and Hard System Methods (HSM)

Hard system method is an 8 stage process which consists of interrelated stages. It helps the organization to identify the problem first, and then it makes an organization what to achieve. In the third stage, an organization makes a plan to achieve the desired goals. The fourth stage is the analysis stage, which tells when you will achieve the objectives. In Stage 5 - Modeling is carried out i.e. how can you tell the outcomes. Evaluation will be done in stage 6 in order to find out the relative outcomes. In Stage 7 - Choice of route(s) to objectives is defined. Final stage i.e. stage 8 is the implementation stage or in other words go ahead stage.

The system used in Siemens is likely to work with HSM because the major steps are followed through hard system methods. The use of SSM is not preferable to apply in Siemens because the steps contain such things that cannot be determined easily or it requires more complexity where HSM is the better option. The Siemens firs allocate the problems and then generate the solutions manually and this is where HSM works better than SSM because the method will use software systems that could be costly at early stages of time.

Implication of the HSM System at Siemens

The implementation of the HSM system to the Siemens will provide various benefits to the company, as it makes the company to rectify, analyze and solve issues with efficiencies. The system will work throughout the organization, enhancing the efficiency of operations like sales and services, accounting/finance manufacturing, customer relationships etc (Chung & Snyder, 2000). A Siemens is starting working with NHS to provide new hospitals while it's headquartered in Germany. The soft system will not work efficiently for this case that is why the HSM method will be applied to the case situation of Siemens. In order to understand the application of HSM, it is important to know the benefits its deployment will provide to Siemens (Gill, 2011). The above mentioned 8 stages will be followed one by one to analyze the importance in comparison with SSM. The process has been divided into two steps where initially system analysis is done and then Information Engineering (IE) is applied to use computational methodology. The difference remains that SSM uses the computational methodology from the beginning which increases the cost in the end.

System analysis

Problem analysis

The HSM system will enable Siemens to lastly achieve the global standardization, visibility and efficiency in to those systems that are considered to be costly, complex and slow to set up. It is about designing a communication system that can be implied cost effectively and quickly outside head quarters. If Siemens want to provide its customers the ultimate satisfaction in far off places away from head quarters then it must look upon devising the HSM system which will help it to incorporate its operations with NHS.

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