Applying Ethical Frameworks In Practice

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Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice

Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice


A television Program was ER and it went aired on NBC in the year 2000, in that program a nurse came to know about the risky sexual behavior due to which a 14 year old girl was suffering from the cervical cancer and the sexually transmitted disease. Before getting to know about this information, the nurse made promise to the patient that she will not inform anyone about whatever the patient had told her. When the nurse realized the increased risk of the behavior of the girl then she was trapped in the problem about telling or not to telling about the sexually transmitted disease of the girl due to which she was suffering from cancer and other medical problems. Confidentiality is the foundation of the relation ship of nurses and the patient but there are certain cases in which the protection of the patient is given more importance than confidentiality.

The clinicians and nurses face several ethical dilemmas everyday in their care for the patients. There are some problems which are agreed on the explanations but some problems can prove to be challenging and they are difficult to resolve. The solving of ethical dilemma needs practical tools because there is a wide range of problems for which nurses can find the solutions.

Ethical Principles and theories

There are some basic ethical principles and theories which are expected by the consumers of the health related services. The principles include respect for autonomy, fidelity, Altruism, justice, beneficence and veracity.

Respect for Autonomy

The main principle of autonomy is the right when a person is able to select the best option for the interest of the person. The principle is based on the concept of self determination and to be the in charge of ...
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