Applied Research Methods

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Applied Research Methods

Table of content

Chapter 11


Research Aim and Objective3

Chapter 24


Research DesignError! Bookmark not defined.

Literature SearchError! Bookmark not defined.

Methods of Data AnalysisError! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 34

Identification of the Issue7

Involvement of Ethical Issues7

Limitations of Research7

Chapter 411

Discussion; Critical Review of Main MNC's Issues11

Chapter 517



Chapter 1


Increasing globalization of the market, coupled with the growing shortage of qualified personnel and technological developments, has led to large scale changes remuneration practices around the world. Remuneration policies are recognized as essential for the delivery of business strategy and organization change initiative, motivation and mobilization of personnel to achieve corporate goals is appreciated. The use of financial incentives has a prominent place in the agendas of human resource scholars and practitioners. More and more companies today are willing to work with competitive wages and benefits. Compensation and benefits survey conducted by Culpepper shows that the actual increase in base salary ranges from 3.2 percent in Switzerland in 2007 to 12,3 percent in Venezuela. Base salaries are growing at a faster pace in the Asia-Pacific region compared with other regions of the world. Countries with the highest projected increase in base salary in 2008, Venezuela (16.2 percent), India (11.4 percent) and Argentina (10.3 percent), whereas those with low projected increase in base salary for 2008 are Luxembourg ( 3,2 per cent per cent) and Switzerland (3.3 percent). In accordance with the 8th Annual Asia Pacific Salary Increase Survey, the Asia-Pacific region witnessed the highest wage increases in the world with Sri Lanka reporting the highest release in the region (15.3%). Asia followed by Latin America with Venezuela leading with 18.8 percent. Europe reported the third-largest wage increase globally with Hungary leading the region with the growth of 7,5%.

With the advent of globalization and the growing demand for skilled labor, changes in pay practices worldwide is inevitable. Increasingly, more and more companies are trying to strengthen, wages and productivity relations through variable pay plans. The workers are recognized and competitively rewarded for their work - not only due to the basic wage, and through a variable pay plan, exchange programs and other benefits. In accordance with the 8th annual Asia-Pacific Salary Increase Survey, said the company variable compensation was 14.5 per cent of their wages in 2009. Organizations that maintain an effective compensation policy is likely to have a sustainable competitive advantage, and key employees are an effective locked in his career and recruitment costs are minimized. Thus, compensation plays an important role in the organization today and will continue to evolve and expand. Many companies are moving to performance and payment of the focus on incentives. Remuneration provides the greatest benefits of productive while other studies supported the role of incentives in enhancing productivity. Incentive has the potential to increase productivity, if properly developed and maintained. Individual incentive plans offer the clearest connection between the efforts of the worker and his reward. The right strategy should include in terms of incentive compensation, which are directly related to the objectives of the company during this ...
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