Applied Research Method

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Applied Research Method


In order to make significant and lengthy conclusions, we shall be discussing the accountability of research that have undertaken towards identifying the feasibility of a IKEA manufacturing corporation towards establishing a plant, which shall help us better evaluate and act upon a more firm and active proposition accordingly. For taking a decision which is a much big for your company or your company's output, one should consider doing research. Research approach which we are going to use here would be Quantitative research and Qualitative research.

Table of Contents


Problem Statement4

Aims and Objectives5

Literature Review ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Critical Review6

Research Methodology7

Data Analysis10

Ethical Issues13

Conclusions and Implications14

Limitations to the Research14


Applied Research Method


In management, it is always important develop strategies which will be based on factual data and which will assist in influencing decisions, justifying actions and providing deeper explanations on why certain decisions have been made. Such policies if developed without the actual information and supporting data will amount to a waste of resources.

The internet has a lot of information although its applicability is dependent on many other factors including locality, market segments, economic development in the locality and cultural orientation. However, availability of information is not the main problem but its applicability with success. In this case, this organization is carrying out the feasibility on the possibility of the IKEA setting up a manufacturing plant in a South Africa (Brassington and Pettitt, 2005, Pp. 34-42).

This will require factual information about the South Africa, the market, competitors, pricing etc. In some cases, such information is shared although the level of trust is different. Further, given this is a multinomial company, shared information is lopsided and may not be aimed at maintain a strong customer base. In this case, such information cannot be shared and thus first hand information will be required.

Problem Statement

In understanding of the research, two broad options are available in order to better understand the market for current existing organizations and potential organizations willing to enter the market. These alternatives are primary research and secondary research. Although secondary research (also called ethnographic research) would help us to get descriptive data in a normal setting, with respect to opening up a plant, primary research can greatly gave an insight regarding the costs and benefits involved, through which we can achieve the depths of either accepting or rejecting the overall proposition undertaken. It would give the answers of all basic questions we would be requiring for our business plant (Brooks and Weatherston 2005, Pp. 56-64).

Aims and Objectives

The reason for conducting this research is to investigate the feasibility of IKEA manufacturing setting up a plant in South Africa in which it has not operated before. IKEA corporations are able to penetrate markets in a variety of ways, which allow existing concerns in the market to be accessed a varying degree of autonomy and control over operations. The main research aims and objective shall be (Bryman 2008, Pp. 25):

Expansion and management problems

• Rules to Follow Before Expanding

• Beginning with a pilot ...
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