This research study reveals about the use of extensive learning logs as a method of assessment that effectual for evaluating the possibilities in tow mainstream classes of rural in Irish based primary schools. The research projects investigate the method of self-assessment that can effectively use in fifth and sixth class student. The learning logs comprised of homework and objectives that have integrated by cross circular approach. The emphasis is on child-led formative self-assessment that effect by the children, parents and teachers on a weekly basis on completion of each Learning Log task.
The action research includes various possibilities such as
Questionnaires from parents
Interviews with teachers
Reflective journal
Focus group of children from fifth and sixth class and Learning Logs as sources of data collection
By using learning Logs as a method of self-assessment approach, it critically effectual for examining the importance for the child to be actively involved in their own learning as stated in Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum: Guidelines for Schools (NCCA 2007)”self-assessment involves met cognition the process of being aware of and reflecting on one's own learning”. The concepts of Met cognition, self-efficacy, peer-learning and assessment are also addressed and explored with the children involved in this research project.
Literature Review
In order to understand best the effectiveness of Learning Logs as a method of self-assessment in the primary school classroom, it is first important to provide a definition of assessment.
Assessment can be defined as a process that is about how the data can be gathered, how the records can be collected, how the interpretation of the information is being done. It also involves the information about the progress that a child has made and what are the achievements that child has been part of during the part of the learning. (Smyth, 2012, p. 12).
Most important thing in this regard is that the approach of self assessment is needed to be followed. In this approaches', the person must reflect on what actually his work is and what is their performance when they compared it some other assessment criteria. These definitions are mainly teacher-led and summative in stark contrast to Black and Williams (2001) definition of assessment which “refers to all those activities undertaken by teachers, and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged” and to Cowie and Bell(1999) when they observed that “the process used by teachers and students to recognise and respond to student learning in order to enhance that learning, during the learning” which highlights the concept of self-assessment and a formative approach to assessment (Cooper & Cowie, 2010, p.43). Boud (1995) also highlights the importance of involving children in their own assessment which leads to modification of teaching and learning for the future.
The fact of the matter is that when the children are taking part in the self assessment and they are involved in it, it is going to lead towards the ...