Application Of Learning Paper

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Application of Learning Paper

Application of Learning Paper


In today's competitive environment, those organizations survive that believes in continuous learning. A learning organization gain competitive advantage by continuously transforming itself (Garvin, 2000). Experts claim that there is no single approach to learning. Successful organizations possesses skills portfolio and apply it selectively based on information available and issues addressed. Managers can obtain information on product requirement through field observations or focus group, or may monitor moves through press private database or clippings, or may improve work processes through designed experiments or hands on experience. Each of these methods has same basic steps of acquiring, interpreting and applying information (Bhattacherjee, 2001). In this paper we are going to use best possible technique for the situation defined. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of learning and effective method of information collection.


ABC Company has launched a soft drink. They did very good marketing at the launch of the product. The price of XYZ soft drink was not so high according to target market. Almost all factors related to the product such as packaging were good enough to attract a customer. Unfortunately after some time, the company started to lose its customers particularly in segment of soft drink. The problem was that the company was not able to satisfy its customer. There was lot of things that were lacking. There company did not do proper research on the market they entered. However, the main problem was that they did not do basic research of the market they entered.


In this situation we are going to apply Expectation Confirmation Theory. It is a theory based on Cognitive Dissonance Theory. EDT theory measures satisfaction of customers from the difference between experience and expectation of customers in perceived product or ...
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