Application Essay-An Experience With Conformity

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Application Essay-An Experience with Conformity

Application Essay-An Experience with Conformity

Conformity is basically a process by which beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of an individual influence by others. I have had a memorable experience with conformity in my life, which I would like to state here.

Since the time I was in school, it seems like I was growing up very fast, as I was always been the tallest girl in my class and a bigger bond (a little on the heavy side). This complexion of mine developed because I was always teased by others in this regard. My all other classmates (girls) were thin with an average height.

One of my school days, when I was sitting on a bench while watching my peers practicing cheer leading dance, I realized how good looking, smart and fragile (just like how girls should seem) they all seem. Then I saw my physical appearance and started comparing myself with my smart peers. Doing so, I realized that people will like and will get attracted to these girls rather than me, as I do not fit in “the right type” of girl appearance. This had caused me to have low self-esteem about myself.

Another event happened which made me more conscious about my physical appearance and let my complex grew more. It was when all of my classmates arranged a party and my group decided to dress up similar to each other. We all dressed up similarly; however, I realized that I was the only one who was not looking good enough like my peers. Later on, it was proved when I got the pictures from that party and saw that how unfit I was looking in between all of my other smart peers. My classmates also teased me about how unfit I was looking ...
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