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Personal and Organisational Development Portfolio

Personal and Organisational Development Portfolio


There is no doubt to the fact that moving from education to employment is a challenging task. In the current market place, it is not easy to achieve desired graduate outcomes. The current marketplace for graduate employment opportunities is undergoing diverse changes. Researchers have observed diverse trends in this marketplace. There are many graduates who do not get the required job. In addition, in order to find suitable employment opportunities, candidates need to possess diverse skills.

Unemployment is an integral part of today's working lives. In order to get a job, candidates must plan everything in advance. Graduates must identify their skills that comply with the requirements of a job. In the current job market, expectations of employers have increased. Graduates who quickly find employment and advancement opportunities are aware of basic business goals. In order to be successful in the competitive market, candidates must develop interests that are beneficial to the employer. Employers are interested in candidates who are efficiently-minded. Employees who have an eye for the economy are preferred by employers (Yate, 2008, pp. 15).


Companies plan the hiring process in advance. Candidates can identify the skills required for a specific job by putting themselves on the other side of the desk. The approaches of finding a job have also undergone diverse changes. Previously, graduates used to rely on newspaper ads to identify employment opportunities. Nowadays, the use of internet sources is more common.

Candidates can increase their visibility by joining different professional associations. These associations offer different graduate training programs. These training programs are effective in making employees desirable. There are many organisations that rely on training establishments and universities to gather a pool of potential candidates. In many companies, recruitment of graduates is a major exercise. Companies repeat this process every year. Assessment centres provide great help to these organisations. These centres help employers identity the extent to which the values of candidate meet the expectations of the employer. On the other side, assessment centres help candidates identify the culture of different organisations (Armstrong, 2006, pp. 431).

Assessment of Marketplace for Graduate Employment Opportunities

Almost everyone wants to go ahead in the career. According to Lawler (2003), learning is a process that people enjoy. There are diverse changes that have occurred in the current job market.

Job Design

One of these changes that have occurred in the current job market is in the job design. Nowadays, the job design is broader than before. The focus of the job market has shifted from maintaining operations to updating them. The conditions of the job market are changing with the passage of time. Therefore, individual responsibilities of employees are also changing. In the current market, teams, not individuals, are responsible for the overall growth of businesses. The management hierarchies have become relatively flat. The control and coordination in organisations depends on the shared goals of employees. In order to gain a competitive edge, employees need expertise rather than a formal position ...
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