Apple Iphone

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APPLE iPhone

Apple Iphone

Apple i Phone

The Apple iPhone is the best value in differentiating consumers perceive as being very innovative and different from other phones, but its relevance is very low, since many consumers do not think it's appropriate for them (something like happens to brands like Porsche and Tiffany & Co). Blackberry has a high differentiation (although slightly smaller than iPhone) but a greater value and consumers know enough about the brand. Sony Ericsson has a higher profile, but has a disadvantage in the other variables. Combining these elements (see graph below) we can see that both iPhone and Blackberry have a high strength (due largely to its high level of differentiation), while Sony Ericsson is in a lower level because the more relevant is not enough to offset weakness in the other three variables. If a majority of these consumers perceive the company as "fast and quality" (even use your own words to explain it) it will demonstrate that it has established a strong connection in their minds joining the company name and the attribute "speed" and "quality." If the current and potential consumers, provide any other type of response (e.g., "attend every special request we do," are cheap "," are willing to be flexible in hours) then the company has no position successful, because, although its brand is associated with attributes such as "personalization", "good price" and "flexibility", these attributes were discarded by the company to be less important in the decision process of consumers who attributes' speed "and" quality." In other words, the Apple Company is associated with positive attributes but irrelevant to influence the purchase decision.

Of course, if initially chose evil attributes, the company has an even bigger problem, but let's assume for the moment he has chosen correctly, and that "fast-speed" are the attributes that make a customer choose a company cleaning than the other.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is designed to support our entry into a very competitive market as is the case at hand. In this sense, we gradually build knowledge and appropriate brand image while we emphasize our competitive edge based on innovation and added value. Using all elements of marketing mix, along with customer service and internal marketing program, we will inform our customers about the features and benefits of our new PDA and stimulate purchases of consumers who purchase a PDA for the first time, so as users who are thinking about renewing or changing their existing. While television advertising is too expensive a resource for our company, if we use radio advertising Internet advertising and other means to reach our target market in a creative and effective at the same time. In the following sections, we discuss our mission, marketing objectives and financial targets, our target market, positioning that is desired, key aspects of strategy and marketing programs, customer service and internal marketing and finally our plans in terms of marketing research.

Target Market

In the case of individual consumer markets the main target market is formed ...
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