Apple Inc.

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Will Apple Inc. survive after the death of its co-founders Steve Jobs?

1.0 Introduction3

1.1 Journey of Apple Inc. with Steve Jobs3

2.0 Procedure4

3.0 Findings4

3.1 Reasons Why Apple Inc. is still a Successful Company4

Ease of Use4

Outstanding in-store experience with outstanding customer services5

Apple designs only those products that they consider better5

Apple thinks ahead of its competitors5

3.2 Apple's vulnerability in the Market5

3.3 Apple Inc- World's Most Valuable Brand6

4.0 Conclusion6

5.0 Recommendations7


Will Apple Inc. survive after the death of its co-founders Steve Jobs?


Apple Inc. is a multinational company headquartered in California, USA. Apple designs and sells consumer electronics, personal computers and software applications around the world. Apple's most famous products are its Mac products and then it's highly innovative in design and interface, iphone Smart phones (, 2013).

Currently, Apple is the world's second largest company in the information technology sector and the third largest in the smart phones sector. There was a time when Apple was No. 1 in the world's ranking however with the rapid innovation in technology and the intensive competition in the industry has given Apple a rough ride over these years (Egham, 2012, pp.n.d).

In May 2013, Apple also entered in to the Fortune's 500 top 10 companies. Previously it was ranked 17th but this year it jumped to the 6th position in the Fortune's 500 companies based on its annual revenues (Rodriguez, 2013, pp.n.d).

1.1 Journey of Apple Inc. with Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was the co-founder of the company. Steve Jobs was considered to be the master mind behind the wondrous Apple Inc. He took information technology to an entirely new direction. He was the first one to have discovered that what importance does the user interface holds and how successful can it get commercially. The mouse driven point-and-click system that is the basis of working at any computer today, was introduced by this great mind, named Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs met the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak while interning at Hewlett Packard.

Steve Job's was not only a master in new technology but he also was a sales genius. Due to some clashes, Jobs was removed from Apple Inc. in the year 1985. Steve then joined NeXT computers, and took the ideas of remoulding the commuting interface to another level. The time period when Jobs had left Apple, it went through some really rough times. It was almost at the verge of going bankrupt. Steve Jobs was brought back to Apple when the company thought of taking over NeXT. In 1998, Jobs was announced as the CEO of the company.

The technology that was used in the NeXT products helped Apple with its newly innovated Mac Products. The company was restored with its image of excellence and innovation in design with these products that were launched by Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs then gave his major attention on Apple's sales. It opened a series of highly slick retail stores all around the world by providing the customers with a hi-tech environment assisted with the best sales ...
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