Apple Inc.

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Case Study on Apple Inc

Table of Contents

Executive Summary1


Literature Review2

Steve Jobs3

The Innovation Models4

Critical Analysis6

Turn Around Strategy9

Internal Culture10

Secrecy in Operations10

Innovation with Continuous Improvements10


Differentiation Strategy11

Quality Human Resource11

Market Development12



Case Study on Apple Inc

Executive Summary

This paper discusses the concern of innovation and its strategic implications for Apple Inc. This case analysis focuses on the success story of Apple from its direction in terms of innovation and how the company learned from its mistakes of past to correct its direction to innovation. This essay also presents a rich literature review with concern to Apple, innovation models and turnaround strategy. Apple Inc. is also awarded the recognition of world's most valuable brand by the “BrandZ” (Hughes 2012). Apple is marked by its non-traditional approaches and innovative ideas. Fortune500 points the company as the 4th fastest growing company in United States in the last five years (Fortune500, 2012b). The company started with establishment in 1976 founded by the Steve Jobs, and Steven Wozniak and became incorporated in 1977. In the year 2007, the company realized that future belongs to much more than computers, and that is why, the company changed its name form “Apple Computers Inc.” to “Apple Inc.” Steve Jobs has created a culture in Apple, which is very different from its rival firms like Dell, HP, and IBM. The idea of Steve Jobs, “Think different”. The innovation model of the Apple company has been changed throughout its life cycle. The history of the company and analysts also indicate that, the company was focusing on its technology and it can be termed as the closed innovation or technology push innovation model. The company was relying too much on its own technology and was not willing to share it with any other. The company realized later that it was time to adopt the business model innovation. Apple shifted its locus of innovation from materialistic products and technology to its new business model innovation. The company has gained a lot form this strategy since its inception in 2001.

Now as the company does not have its founder and the one who revamped the company, it will have to seek guidance from the philosophy and vision of the company. The company will have to develop an internal culture as it was previously derived from the philosophy and actions of Steve Jobs, the people will have to look at company's vision and mission and derive their policies and practices form it. The company will have to continue certain strategies that were working well in the company like, quality focus, pricing strategy, and differentiating strategy. The company will have to continue hiring best of the best minds. Apple will also have to follow market development strategy in the Asian markets.


This paper is basically a case analysis focusing on the innovation model and strategies that have turned this technology firm into a giant. This paper discusses the implication questions posed in the assignment and also presents some well though recommendations in the end. This paper starts with some literature review to create a ...
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