Apple Inc

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Apple Inc's Corporate Strategy, Governance and Ethics in the Global Environment

Executive Summary

Apple achieved high record revenue and growing figures in all types of customers, products and services in APJ & EMEA area. The company continues to grow faster than industry in all categories. New manufactory plants and sales offices are continually introduced to regions in order to save time and cost. The direct relationship model provides the powerful differentiator for the company to deliver satisfaction to customers of all sizes and types. These examples show success of Apple's customer-focused direct model that can be applied to all regions. It provides competitive advantage and opportunity for company's growth.

Apple has focused most of the resources to support large commercial and institutional organizations segment to sustain its growth by delivering superior services over competitors. In fact, Apple sells more computer systems to business organizations than any other company in the world. To adapt market change, Apple extents product categories to consumer electronics for better growth opportunities. At Apple, ethics is one of the many branches of philosophy. Is that science, and studying things by their causes, the universal and necessary, which is dedicated to the study of human acts? But those made by both the will and absolute freedom of the individual. All human action that takes place through the will of the person who is absent from freedom, do not enter the study or field of ethics.

The company follows both the informal and formal communication in the hierarchy level. The chain of command is separated made in such a way to give the authority and empowerment in every region so as to make the innovation and decision making strong. The only loss that Apple faced due to this chain of command is the financial loss because of lack of check and balance of the financial aspect.

Apple Inc's Corporate Strategy, Governance and Ethics in the Global Environment


This assignment will contain the description of Apple Inc as an organization along with the communication strategies and strategic options. The organizational culture of Apple is unique with the drive to outperform and succeed with the high involvement of the employees. Apple has been continuously involved in the innovation process and is hoping to be the market leader very soon because of its strong encrypted culture and structure. Business ethics is about how a company integrates the set of values ??(honesty, trust, respect, justice and others) in their own policies, practices and decision making at all levels of the company.

Additionally, business ethics means behaves in accordance with legal standards, as well as its adherence to the laws and internal regulations. In the past decade, business ethics is primarily concerned with the implementation of legal codes delineated in detail what employees could or could not be considered as a wrong behaviour, such as conflicts of interest or improper use of company resources. Employees of Apple have often been encouraged to follow ideas and inclinations, and this has often led to development of successful ...
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