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Case Analysis Apple Inc.: Keeping the “i” in “Innovation”

Case Analysis Apple Inc.: Keeping the “i” in “Innovation”


Today, Apple is the second largest company in America and the first in the field of 'hi-tech in the world ahead of Google and Microsoft. In just ten years, the company reaches $ 2 billion in sales and has four thousand employees. Jobs was responsible for the launch of the first Macintosh was filed on 24 January 1984; a different computer and innovative. The first commercially successful computer to introduce the graphical interface and the only one who resisted the overwhelming power of PCs that were equipped with the Windows operating system and Intel chips.

Sculley former CEO of Pepsi Cola called at the helm of Apple in the previous year. The entrepreneur from California came two years after giving birth to Pixar (which then gives way to Disney). He was responsible for the vision of an animation cinema natural and perfect in every detail. Pushing for the adoption of programs to improve the work of the animators and digital artists; the result was Renderman, proprietary software still considered a standard for animated films - and from there came masterpieces such as Toy Story. At the end of 1998 he was called back to Cupertino to revive the fortunes of Apple. In 2003 launched the iPod and invents the legal digital music market. The intuition is present in the combined presence of iTunes-iPod, service and product, hardware and Software: a system that will become a major feature of the Apple. In 2004, the numbers of Apple reached dizzying levels: IPod sales exceed the 10 million pieces and downloaded songs on ITunes come to 200 million.

Three years later it was the turn of the phone. Even in this case the intuition is double: 'iPhone-AppStore, A mobile phone in different designs and in the interface but innovative like no other in the software. Then comes the app store; the store of digital applications capable of transforming a phone into something different. The multi-touch touch screens become part of the world of telephony as well as the concept of the app store. The same telephone operators are forced to chase because they are disintermediation from the Internet and an ecosystem of developers who become the real engine of smart phones. In 2008 the first signs of the disease.

Two years later came the iPad, another innovation, the last. A new generation of computer touches. The tablet revised in the light of the philosophy of the Internet and Apple. A success, the iPad as the iPod control more than 70 per center in their respective markets. Today's announcement of his death. On the shoulders of Tim Cook, the current CEO a heavy legacy. His first release, a little more than 24 hours ago was greeted coolly by the fans and by the market. In the afternoon we will be talking about the stock.


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