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APA Research Paper



World War I which is also called the Great War had been the major war centered on Europe that begin in the 1914's summer. The war includes all of world's greatest powers who were settled in the two opposing alliances which was the major factor that led countries towards the war. Alliance is an agreement between two or more countries to help each other that were signed between the years 1879 to 1914 (Fussell, 2000). Other major factors in the conflict were the alliances, nationalism and militarism. The situation came after a long and complicated sequence of diplomatic conflicts between the huge powers that were Italy, Germany, France, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Great Britain and Russia over the European and colonial issues that killed more than 9 million soldiers and 6 million civilians.


The war triggered after the assassination of Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand along with his wife on June 28th, 1914 by Bosnian revolutionary that led to many political, economical, social and cultural changes in Europe. If we look at the overall view there are a number of causes such as the death of Ferdinand and nationalism being uncompromised by the countries and kept the disputes unresolved. There was a lack of communication and misinterpretation that was leading the situation at the wrong direction. The Europe's breakdown perceived of the balance of power. Complex and uneven governance terribly being acted which resulted in the cause of anger between the countries. The imperial, colonial, economic and military rivalry had been there for the sake of wealth, prestige, power and trade to strengthen the industries. Every country tried to escape from the blame that who actually started the war but these were the main reasons that had been slowly and steadily working for the rise of a big conflict. The main reasons are discussed below:


The alliances that were being signed between the countries were contributing a major part as if one country was attacked another country was bounded to defend them. The countries that were involved in the alliance agreement were:

Russia and the Serbia

France and the Russia

Germany and the Austria-Hungary

Japan and the Britain

Britain and France and the Belgium

In 1879, the dual alliance was signed between Germany and Austria-Hungary in which they would assist each other in protection from the Russia. Austro-Serbia Alliance was signed between Austria-Hungary and Serbia that mentioned that if Russia attacked and tried to gain control on Serbia, Austria Hungary would help them against Russia. Triple Alliance signed between Germany and Austria-Hungary along with the Italy in 1882, that Italy would not take the side of Russia. In 1894, Franco-Russian Alliance was signed between Russia and France to protect themselves from Germany and Austria-Hungary.

In 1904, Entente Cordiale agreement signed which was not considered as the formal alliance between France and Britain. The Britain and Russia signed agreement in 1907 to help each other. These three countries France, Russia and Britain signed ...
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