Apa Research Paper

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APA Research Paper


State power or rule of law The depth determinations for the education of warriors, the strict intervention in life - the family, the public, the economy, science, art, religion, and the omnipotence of philosophers seem to actually point to this direction This concept is based on a contract between ruler and subjects. Therefore, the best in the city state legislators becomes through legislation and education, training or training civic virtue, so that the three components of the civic soul of harmony. The first virtue was wisdom, should be the head of state, i. e. the ruler, because it uses the ratio corresponding to gold and the second kind of virtue is courage and the chest should be the state corresponding to the soldiers, guardians of the Kings since their souls were imbued with silver will. Last, was the virtue of temperance and that should be the underbelly of the State, or workers and craftsmen, since their souls bronze guided by the desire of sensible things.


This paper is about the study and ideological structures of the two most famous philosophers, Aristotle and Plato. Both of the philosophers believe that the city-state is higher than citizens , but he also advocated their rights. Because the city-state is not only the product of reason, but also the people to meet their own needs. He therefore sought to achieve a balance of interests of the city and the citizens. He also established a fair justice and exchange of justice-balanced principles of justice. On the one hand, the different origin, property, status, ability to equal treatment for special tasks, on the other hand can also be given special treatment. To this end he is very respected combination of democracy and the monarchy, the implementation of democracy in the legislative issues, administrative implementation of the monarchy. He would like to take to ensure that the citizens of the various interests in safeguarding the interests of the city-state as a whole, and the separation of powers doctrine.



Aristotle thought about physics profoundly shaped the medieval scholastic thought; its influence extends to the Renaissance, although ultimately replaced by Newtonian physics. In animal science, some of his comments only in the 19th century is believed to be accurate. His academic interests include early research on the theory of formal logic, ultimately these studies are combined in the 19th century to the modern theory of formal logic. In metaphysics, philosophy and theology of Aristotle had a profound impact on the tradition of Islam and Judaism in the middle Ages; it continues to influence Christian theology, especially the academic tradition of the Catholic Church.

Origin of state

Aristotle (384-322 BC) introduced this concept. He believed that the state is derived from nature. To reach the state organization a nation has to go to through few basic steps which includes formation of family, community rural, urban policy, and finally the state. Aristotle, in one of his works Politics writes about the creations of nature that man is by nature and is made to ...
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