Anzia Yezierska - The Bread Givers

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Anzia Yezierska - The Bread Givers

Anzia Yezierska - The Bread Givers


About the writer

Bread Givers is novel that was written by Anzia Yezierska in the year 1925. The story of this novel reflects the painful story of a girl who was born to the immigrant parents in United States. Her parents belonged to the Poland. The ancient time of American history is not found to be good for the people living in America. People faced many hard times and they faced difficulties in living their lives. Many of the families, particularly in the New York were living in the circumstances of poverty and they were living their lives in great tension and hardships. They were even not having the enough food for spending a day. They have to strive hard for saving their money in order to pay out the rents. Despite of this poverty situation, many other migrants were still migrating to the city and other cities of the Unites States. The women and girls were treated in bad manner and they were not given their rights by the men. Women and girls were considered to be the cause of the bad lucks of men.

Outline of the story

In this novel the story of girl named “Sarah Smolinsky” is describe who belong to the Jewish religion and cultures. The Jewish religion was at that time very rigid and very conservative type. People having this religion were not good to other people and also were not good in their habits. The religious traditions were so more that make the people poor and trapped in order to fulfill them. The girls and women were no allowed to go out of the homes to do work for making their living standards better. This story has revealed that how the girl “Sarah Smolinsky” broke the cultures and traditions of her parents and went out of home in search of the jobs in order to make better her living standards and to get rid out of the poverty. The girl has made number of sacrifices in order to get rid of poverty that she faced. She did her graduation in a will to earn well but in the end when her father went to the old she had to come back to her father to take care of him. The girl used was used to hate her father because her father was very conservative and ...
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