Anxiety Affects Mathematics Learning

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Anxiety Affects Mathematics Learning

Anxiety Affects Mathematics Learning


Math anxiety is called an intense feeling of helplessness and hopelessness about their ability to perform mathematical tasks or solving mathematical problems. Some who do academic malady said that their minds suddenly go blank, and they feel scared when they look in the mathematical question or test. Many declared their oath of hate to the subject and simply resigned to the fact that they consider the fact that they cannot learn to do math. Math teachers, their subject of expertise as opposed to other courses or subjects taught in schools for the following reasons:

Mathematics involves the study of various processes. In other subjects, you will learn and understand the material without having to apply it. In mathematics, we must learn, processes, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and then, one must go to the book, to apply these lessons, and solve mathematical problems. Mathematics is considered a linear process of learning, when one such process is the training and is now used, and is used as part of the lesson the next day, and so on.

Research Aim

The aim for conducting the study will be to enhance my knowledge with regards to the idea of Anxiety affects mathematics learning. It is better to learn about something in order to ensure that issues do not arise in the future.

Research Question

Do you have confidence in the researchers' findings?

Does the study generalize to other people that were not the subject of the research?

What does the study mean in the big picture and how does it apply to society in general?

Literature Review

This study is based on the prior research in order to find the confidence in researchers. Moreover it generalizes on the subject of the research along with showing the greater picture when implementing on larger society. Those who suffer from anxiety toward mathematics believe that they are unable to attend activities or classes that contain math. Often students choose their career based on how much mathematics is. This is not an intellectual but emotional, whose roots are inadequate teaching of mathematics or negative experiences associated with it (most have had a humbling experience to be called to the blackboard to solve a problem). These circumstances may lead the student to believe that it is somehow deficient in their math abilities. This belief will lead to poor performance on tests and courses in general, which lead to confirm those beliefs in their ineptitude (Deffenbacher & Stark, 2002).

This phenomenon is known in psychology as "self-fulfilling prophecy." The result is a vicious circle of anxiety toward mathematics stands in the way of learning, leading to a decrease in confidence in the ability to solve even simple arithmetic. This anxiety is a learned response, not a true reflection of the person's mathematical ability.

As a foreign language, mathematics should be practiced daily to maintain their skills. The "math anxiety" is the stress experienced by some people when they acometar a task that demands numerical skills, and despite being ...
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