Antwone Fisher: Character Analysis

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Antwone Fisher: Character Analysis

Antwone Fisher: Character Analysis

The story developed in Antwone Fisher is a very touching one and represents aspects of how human behavior can be affected by the social environment. The movie directed by Denzel Washington involves Derek Luke as the main character who is working with the navy. Antwone Fisher himself wrote the story, which is based on a true story discussing his past life. The story tries to bring forth many forms of human behavior dimensions that can develop during an individual's life span from young age to adulthood (Luke & Washington, 2003). The form a human behavior of a particular individual takes dependent on environmental experiences can also be largely influenced by age. The character of this African American navy man (Derek) as developed in this movie tries to explain developmental trajectory that is affected by past experiences. At his young and tender age the character experiences many challenges and problems that actually affect his future behavior. The young age is considered to be vulnerable and fragile hence young individuals will definitely develop behaviors that are dependent on early experiences. Young age is very risky and if protective factors such as parental and religious guidance is not accorded to such a group then developmental trajectory is really threatened. Such early experiences once subjected to an individual can really result into far reaching implications.

This issue is clearly shown in this movie Antwone Fisher where the main character is a victim of past experiences. Fisher's character is really troubled by past experiences ranging from physical abuse to sexual abuse at early stages in life. This makes Fisher develop terrible and violent anger characters in his adulthood. He has a very serious problem in managing his tempers and any simple misunderstanding escalates to violent outbursts. The movie shows how Fisher is unable to control his anger and many times picks up fights with fellow navy officers. This unruly and defensive form of character disposition makes the commanding officer subject Fisher to fines and disciplinary actions (Luke & Washington, 2003). This kind of outrageous behavior leaves the commanding officer with no other option than to force him visit the naval psychiatrist Jerome Davenport. Fisher is not comfortable and happy with this idea and at first he provides an opposition to the Psychiatrist. This is explained by the way he chooses to remain silent for a considerable number of sessions. After some time, he eventually decides to open up to the doctor and share experiences with regard to his past. This actually proves to be the turning point and a decisive action towards the achievement of the solution to this problem. Many revelations are made regarding his past experiences and the reasons behind his outrageous behavior towards other people. Fisher had undergone a horrible dark past and hugely determined his altitude and behavior an aspect reflected even in his adulthood. A divulged experience stems from horrible abuse while under the care of his foster family especially on the hands of ...
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